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Team Excellence - oop344 20113

Excellence (team X)

Project Marking Percentage

  • due right after study break

Group work:      50%        (25 <= 50 <= 50)
Individual work: 50% +      (50 <= 50 <= 75) 
Total           100%


  • repo id: rep113_1

Code Standards

These standards must be followed for all code written so that our code is kept consistent and won't be sent back by Fardad.

Team Members

Team Excellence
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Sandip Patel C smpatel7 smpatel smpatel7 Sandip's Blog
Dzmitry Kavalchyk C dkavalchyk2 dkavalchyk2 RevenTL Dima's Blog
Chad Pilkey C capilkey capilkey cap6 N/A
Jitender Dhanda C jsingh180 jsingh180 jay Jitenders' blog
Pavel Shimko C pshimko pshimko pshimko Pavel's blog

Trunk Status

  • Committed
    id: capilkey
    name: Chad Pilkey
    irc nick: cap6
    committing for R0.3


R0.6 Task Assignments

CText Edit:

Assigned To: Chad Pilkey

Status: Finished

Problem: None

CCheckList Edit:

Assigned To: Pavel Shimko

Status: Complete

Problem: None

CMenu Edit:

Assigned To: Dzmitry Kavalchyk

Status: Completed

Problem: Done

CText/CCheckList Other Functions:

Assigned To: Sandip PAtel

Status: Completed Successfully

Problem: All problems are solved

CMenu/MNode Other Functions:

Assigned To:Jitender dhanda

Status: completed Successfully

Problem: None

R0.3 Task Assignments

Jitender Dhanda:

Task: CValEdit

Status: Complete  

Problem: None

Chad Pilkey:

Task: CCheck

Status: Complete 

Problem: None

Dzmitry Kavalchyk:

Task: CButton

Status: Complete 

Problem: None

Sandip Patel:

Task: CEditLine

Status: Complete 

Problem: None

Pavel Shimko:

Task: CMenuItem

Status: Complete 

Problem: None

Add console2.0 functions

  • Add the chosen display() and edit() functions to the trunk
  • being done by Chad with help from Sandip, Dzmitry, and Jitender
  • completed

R0.2 Task Assignments

  • If you have any concern regarding Task Assignments then let me know or arrange meeting on IRC


     cfield(int row = 0, int col = 0, int width = 0, int height =0, void* data = (void*) 0, bool bordered = false,
            const char* border=c_border_chars);
     virtual int edit() = 0;
     virtual bool editable() const = 0;    
     virtual void set(const void* data) = 0;
     virtual void* data();
     void container(cdialog* thecontainer);
     cdialog* container();


     Clabel(Const Char *Str, Int Row, Int Col, Int Len = 0);
     Clabel(Int Row, Int Col, Int Len);
     ~Clabel();      //Complete
     void Draw(Int Fn=C_no_frame) ;      
     int Edit();      //Complete, but not sure about one small detail
     bool Editable()Const;      //Complete
     void Set(Const Void* Str);     /* Jitender */


     // All are completed and in capilkey/03-CDialog functions if you need them
     CDialog(CFrame *Container = (CFrame*)0, int Row = -1, int Col = -1,
             int Width = -1, int Height = -1, bool Borderd = false,
             const char* Border=C_BORDER_CHARS);
     virtual ~CDialog();
     void draw(int fn = C_FULL_FRAME);
     int edit(int fn = C_FULL_FRAME);


     int add(CField* field, bool dynamic = true);
     int add(CField& field, bool dynamic = false);
     CDialog& operator<<(CField* field);
     CDialog& operator<<(CField& field);


     bool editable();
     int fieldNum()const;
     int curIndex()const;
     CField& operator[](unsigned int index);
     CField& curField();


  • latest will be on top

topic, date
