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OSTEP Infrastructure

1,055 bytes added, 11:18, 7 January 2015
The script is to be run on the computer: bahamas
The script is to be run with the user: backup
=== Dependencies ===
The following software should be installed before using:
yum install gcc
yum install autoconf
yum install python-pip
pip install pycrypto
pip install pysftp
pip install ecdsa
== Goals ==
- Script resides on a single computer (complete)
- Do not run multiple backups using the same hard drive (complete)
- Check space requirements before performing a backup on source and destination (in progresscancelled)- Emails out daily reports on success or fail (not completework around with mail command)
- Logs all information /var/log/smart-bk/ (complete)
- Easy(ish) to add a new backup schedule (complete)
- Can view all the backups in the queue to run (complete)
- Can view all the schedules that are added (complete)
- Records a record of all previously run backups (not complete)- Website to view status of currently running backups (not complete)
 At this time a website can now view the information from the database, and the database can now keep a record of all previously run backups. Email was a issue, so, the output of a report is piped to a mail command running in the crontab. Checking space requirements was a silly goal for now, since trying to do this on the source and destination would increase the backup time by way too much(recursively looking through directories, which contain 100G+ data). <s>At this time, not all of these goals have been completed, but I would like them to be sooner or later. Right now I'm setting up a little documentation on how it currently works, what it's missing, and what my next steps will be.</s>
== Scheduler System ==
Run the following sql statements to create the proper tables within the database
sqlite&gt; > .schema CREATE TABLE Logs(scheduleid INTEGER, status TEXT, errors TEXT, start_date TEXT, start_time TEXT, end_date TEXT, end_time TEXT);
CREATE TABLE Queue(scheduleid INTEGER, queuetime TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(scheduleid) REFERENCES Schedule(id));
CREATE TABLE Running(scheduleid INTEGER, starttime TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(scheduleid) REFERENCES Schedule(id));
CREATE TABLE Schedule(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, day TEXT, time TEXT, type TEXT, source_host TEXT, dest_host TEXT, source_dir TEXT, dest_dir TEXT, source_user TEXT, dest_user TEXT, desc TEXT);
Add a new schedule:
[backup@bahamas ~]$ sbk --add --time="11:00 " --backup-type=archive --source-host=japan --dest-host=bahamas --source-dir=/etc/ --dest-dir=/data/backup/japan/etc/ --source-user=backup --dest-user=backup--desc "archive of japan /etc-> bahamas"
=== Logging ===
A new logging section has been added to the schedule.db. This allows for specific logging events to be saved with dates and success or failure, for more accurate logging.
I could not figure out the format for the logging. Too many options. I went with a procedure where it makes a new log file each time the program is run. This could be a problem if you run the script too frequently, since it will make so many log files. I think the best idea would be to log to a single file, or to log into the sqlite3 database. I have not had time to change this yet.