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Fall 2013 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

218 bytes added, 08:47, 10 September 2013
Tuesday (September 10)
=== GNU Autotools ===
* [http:The challenge of adjusting a Makefile* The GNU Autotools //wwwGNU Build System** '''GNU autoconf''' (Makefile.gnuin -> Makefile via configure script)** GNU automake ( -checkouts/gnu/automake/manual/html_node/index> Makefile.html#Top in)** GNU Automake/Autotools documentation]libtool* [ GNU Build System] (Wikipedia)* GNUlib
=== Building from Source ===
* rpmlint
** [[:fedora:Common Rpmlint issues|Fedora Common Rpmlint issues]] -->
* [ GNU Automake/Autotools documentation]
* [ GNU Build System] (Wikipedia)
=== To Do ===