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Purchase a Raspberry Pi

779 bytes added, 16:54, 27 August 2013
Where to Buy
* Online from [ Newark/Element14]
* Online from [ Adafruit]
It's not necessary to spend a lot of money on the basic accessories:
* [ Dollarama] sells HDMI cables (with gold-plated contacts!) for $2-$3 depending on the length.
* The SD cards don't have to be ultra-fast or very big. Basic Class 4 or higher cards from [ Canada Computers] or [ WalMart] will work fine.
* It's important to get a decent power supply; bad supplies can cause difficult-to-diagnose glitches. However, it's really hard to know if a given power supply is any good or not -- some cheap ($0.79) power supplies have performed poorly, but so have some expensive ($39) ones. Some $3-$7 supplies from dollar stores have worked fine.
* You may have a USB keyboard and mouse lying around.