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4,751 bytes added, 07:55, 9 July 2013
Pidora Update Source
import random
import re
import string
import subprocess
import os
class tools:
def __init__(self):
# Default configuration values
self.sigulhost = "" self.mashhost = "" self.rsynchost = "" self.siguluser = "agreene" self.mashuser = "root" self.rsyncuser = "pidorapr" self.mashdir = "/usr/local/bin/mash-pidora" self.kojitags = ['f18-updates', 'f18-rpfr-updates', 'f18-updates-testing', 'f18-rpfr-updates-testing'] = "" = False self.logdir = "/var/log/pidora-smr/" self.logfile = "output"
# Create command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]')
parser.add_option('-i', '--info', help='check machine status and configuration', dest='status', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-a', '--all', help='sign, mash, rsync', dest='alleverything', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sign', help='sign all packages in listed tag', dest='sign', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-m', '--mash', help='start a mash run', dest='mash', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-r', '--ryncrsync', help='perform a rsync of the mash repos', dest='rsync', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-l', '--list-unsigned', help='list unsigned rpms', dest='listunsigned', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('--auto', help='enables logging and emails logs', dest='auto',, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('--koji-tag', help='specify the koji tag to sign', dest='kojitag', default=False, action='store')
parser.add_option('--email', help='specify the email to send logs to', dest='email', default=False, action='store', parser.add_option('--sigul-user', help='specify the user for sigul', dest='siguluser', default=self.siguluser, action='store', metavar=self.siguluser) parser.add_option('--sigul-host', help='specify the host for sigul', dest='sigulhost', default=self.sigulhost, action='store', metavar=self.sigulhost) parser.add_option('--mash-user', help='specify the user for mash', dest='mashuser', default=self.mashuser, action='store', metavar=self.mashuser) parser.add_option('--mash-host', help='specify the host for mash', dest='mashhost', default=self.mashhost, action='store', metavar=self.mashhost) parser.add_option('--rsync-user', help='specify the user for rsync', dest='rsyncuser', default=self.rsyncuser, action='store', metavar=self.rsyncuser) parser.add_option('--rsync-host', help='specify the host for rsync', dest='rsynchost', default=self.rsynchost, action='store', metavar=self.rsynchost) parser.add_option('--log-dir', help='specify a logging directory', dest='logdir', default=self.logdir, action='store', metavar=self.logdir) parser.add_option('--log-file', help='specify a log file name', dest='logfile', default=self.logfile, action='store', metavar=self.logfile)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.kojitag:
self.kojitags = [opts.kojitag]
if opts.sigulhost:
self.sigulhost = opts.sigulhost
if opts.mashhost:
self.mashhost = opts.mashhost
if opts.rsynchost:
self.rsynchost = opts.rsynchost
if opts.siguluser:
self.siguluser = opts.siguluser
if opts.mashuser:
self.mashuser = opts.mashuser
if opts.rsyncuser:
self.rsyncuser = opts.rsyncuser if = if = if opts.logdir: self.logdir = opts.logdir if opts.logfile: self.logfile = self.logdir + opts.logfile # Check for a few strange situations with options self.signmash = False self.signrsync = False self.mashrsync = False if opts.sign and opts.mash and opts.rsync: opts.sign = False opts.mash = False opts.rsync = False opts.everything = True elif opts.sign and opts.mash: opts.sign = False opts.mash = False self.signmash = True elif opts.sign and opts.rsync: opts.sign = False opts.rsync = False self.signrsync = True elif opts.mash and opts.rsync: opts.mash = False opts.rsync = False self.mashrsync = True
# Create lists of successful and failed hosts
mhosts, mfail = self.get_status(self.mashhost, self.mashuser) shosts, sfail = self.get_status(self.sigulhost, self.siguluser) rhosts, rfail = self.get_status(self.rsynchost, self.rsyncuser) self.hosts = mhosts + shosts + rhosts self.fhosts = mfail + sfail + rfail
# Start the main tasks
if opts.status:
print '\nsigulhost = ' + sigulhost print 'mashhost = ' + mashhost print 'rsynchost = ' + rsynchost print 'siguluser = ' + siguluser print 'mashuser = ' + mashuser print 'rsyncuser = ' + rsyncuser print 'mashdir = ' + mashdir print 'kojitags = ', kojitags print '\nworking hosts: ', hosts print 'failed hosts: ', fhosts print "" elif self.sigulhost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with sigul host print self.email_exit('Cannot [Error]\nCannot connect to sigul: failed hosts: \n' +, subject='pidora-smr - failed', fhosts exit(errors=1)
elif opts.listunsigned:
for tag in kojitags: print 'Unsigned packages: ' + tag, self.kojitags self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag)
elif not opts.sign and not opts.mash and not opts.rsync and not opts.everything:
elif opts.sign:
self.run_signsign(sigulhost) self.email_exit('[Success]\nSign for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success') elif self.mashhost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with mash host self.email_exit('[Error]\nCannot connect to mash: failed hosts: \n' +, sigulusersubject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1) elif self.checksign(): print 'Unsigned packages: ', self.kojitags self.checksign() print 'Cannot mash or rsync if packages are not signed'
elif mashhost not in hosts: # Check connection with mash host
print 'Cannot connect to mash hosts: failed hosts: ', fhosts
elif opts.mash:
self.run_mashmash(mashhost, mashuser, kojitags, sigulhost, siguluser) exitself.email_exit(0'[Success]\nMash for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success') elif self.rsynchost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with rsync host print self.email_exit('Cannot [Error]\nCannot connect to rsync hosts: failed hosts: \n' +, subject='pidora-smr - failed', fhosts exit(errors=1)
elif opts.rsync:
for tag in kojitags: if self.checksignrsync(sigulhost, siguluser, tag): print self.email_exit('Unsigned packages in: [Success]\nRsync for pidora complete' + tag print , subject='Run script with options: pidora-smr -list-unsigned to see unsigned packages' print '== Exiting due to unsigned packages ==success' exit(1) self.checkmash(mashhost, mashuser) self.rsync(rsynchost, rsyncuser) exit(0)
elif opts.everything:
self.run_signsign() self.mash() self.rsync() self.email_exit('[Success]\nSign, mash, rsync for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success') # Email text and subject, written a little bit crazy... def sendemail(self, subject, text): arg = '-s "' + subject + '" "' + + '"' output = subprocess.check_output(['echo "' + str(text) + '" |mail ' + str(arg)], shell=True)  def logging(self, logme): try: os.mkdirs(directory) except OSError: pass  # Display all configuration data + hosts status def info(self, infotype='all'): if infotype == 'all': info = ['\n[Connection]\nsigulhost = ' + self.sigulhost, 'siguluser= ' + self.siguluser, 'mashhost = ' + self.mashhost, 'mashuser = ' + self.mashuser, 'rsynchost = ' + self.rsynchost, 'rsyncuser = ' + self.rsyncuser, '\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(, 'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir, 'kojitags= ' + str(self.kojitags), 'email = ' +, '\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir, 'logfile = ' + self.logfile, '\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts), 'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n'] elif infotype == 'sign': info = ['\n[Connection]\nsigulhost = ' + self.sigulhost, 'siguluser = ' + self.siguluser, '\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(, 'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags), 'logdir = ' + self.logdir, 'logfile = ' + self.logfile, '\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.run_mashhosts), 'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n'] elif infotype == 'mash': info = ['\n[Connection]\nmashhost = ' + self.mashhost, 'mashuser = ' + self.mashuser, '\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(, 'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir, 'kojitags= ' + str(self.kojitags), '\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir, 'logfile = ' + self.logfile, sigulhost '\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts), siguluser 'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts)+ '\n'] elif infotype == 'rsync': info = ['\n[Connection]\nrsynchost = ' + self.rsync(rsynchost, 'rsyncuser= ' + self.rsyncuser, 'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir, '\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(, 'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags), exit '\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir, 'logfile = ' + self.logfile, '\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts), 'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n'] return '\n'.join(0info) # Call sign over multiple koji tags Display text and exit or send an email and ask only once for the passwordexit def run_signemail_exit(self, sigulhosttext, subject=False, sigulusererrors=0): if and subject: self.sendemail(subject, kojitagstext) exit(errors) else: print text exit(errors)  # Rsync to the repo directory def rsync(self): print '\n== Start: Sign run Rsync ==\n' print self.checkmash() srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.rsynchost, username=self.rsyncuser, log=True) output = srv.execute('Koji tags marked for signing:/home/pidorapr/bin/rsync-japan; echo $? > /home/pidorapr/.rsync-japan-exit-status') for tag line in kojitagsoutput: print tagline.strip() print output = srv.execute('\nEnter sigul key passphrase:cat /home/pidorapr/.rsync-japan-exit-status') password = getpasssrv.getpassclose() for tag in kojitagsif str(output.strip()) != '0': self.signemail_exit('[Error]\nRsync failed stopping program\nExit status = ' + str(output.strip()) +, sigulusersubject='pidora-smr - failed', tag, passworderrors=1) print ""
# Call mash and check that all packages are signed
def run_mash(self, mashhost, mashuser, kojitags, sigulhost, siguluser):
print '\n== Start: Mash run ==\n'
for tag in kojitags: # Check for unsigned packages before mashing
if self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag):
print 'Cannot mash while packages are unsigned: '
self.checksign(sigulhost, siguluser, tag)
self.mash(mashhost, mashuser)
# Check if hosts are online and can establish connection, return lists of failed and succesful hosts
# Start a signing run across a designated tag
def sign(self, host, username, ): print '\n== Start: Sign run ==\n' print 'Koji tags marked for signing:' for tag in self.kojitags: print tag, .strip() print '\nEnter sigul key passphrase:' password= getpass.getpass() for tag in self.kojitags: print "Signing packages in tag: " + tag print "Packages found: " print self.checksign(host, username, tag) tempfile1 = crypt.crypt(str(random.random()), "pidora" ) + '.log' tempfile = tempfile1.replace("/", "") tempdir = '~/.pidora/' srv = pysftp.Connection(host=hostself.sigulhost, username=usernameself.siguluser, log=True) errors = srv.execute('mkdir ' + tempdir + ' 2>/dev/null') errors = srv.execute('touch ' + tempdir + tempfile + '2>/dev/null') output = srv.execute('~/.sigul/ -v --password=' + password + ' --write-all --tag=' + tag + " pidora-18 2>" + tempdir + tempfile) errors = srv.execute('cat ' + tempdir + tempfile) srv.close() # Scan through output and find errors! If errors are found, stop program and spit out error warnings outputs = output + errors errors = False[] for output in outputs: print output.strip() if'^ERROR:.*$', output): errors = True.append(output) if errors: print " self.email_exit('[Error]\n== Error nError signing stopping program \n' + str(errors) +, subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=" exit(1)
# Check koji for unsigned packages, returns True if unsigned rpms are found
def checksign(self, host, username, tag):
check = False
for tag in self.kojitags: srv = pysftp.Connection(host=hostself.sigulhost, username=usernameself.siguluser, log=True) output = srv.execute("~/.sigul/ --just-list --tag=" + tag + " pidora-18") srv.close() for rpm in output: print rpm.strip() if rpm.strip() != "": check = "unsigned rpms found"
if check:
return True
# Run mash and search through the log file for failed mash errors
def mash(self, host, username): print '\n== Start: Mash run ==\n' srv = pysftp.Connection(host=hostself.mashhost, username=usernameself.mashuser, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/usr/local/bin/mashrun-pidora-18')
self.checkmash(host, username)
def checkmash(self, host, username): errors = False errorline = [] srv = pysftp.Connection(host=hostself.mashhost, username=usernameself.mashuser, log=True) output = srv.execute('cat /mnt/koji/mash/pidora-mash-latest/mash.log')
for line in output:
if'^mash failed .*$', line):
errorlineerrors.append(line.strip()) errors = True
if errors:
print "self.email_exit('[Error]\n== mash nmash failed on repo stopping program ==\n" for line in errorline: print line exit' + str(errors) +, subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
def rsync(self, host, username):
print '\n== Start: Rsync ==\n'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/home/pidorapr/bin/rsync-japan')
for line in output:
print line.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':