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The CUI Framework - OOP344 20132

1,564 bytes added, 23:53, 10 August 2013
Issues, Releases and Due Dates
*Issue Name Format
*:Issue and branch name format: '''V.V_Name''' <br />
*:example; issue: Add Text Class to the project (issue 2.9.1) issue and branch name on gitubgithub: '''2.9.1_AddTextClass'''<br />: * A2 Milestone 0.2 - Due Friday July 12th*: Split up work within group and document it in the team pages*: Add skeletons for each class (empty function definitions in .cpp files)*:* A2 Milestone 0.4 - Due Friday July 19th*: Implement CLabel*: Implement CButton*: Implement CLineEdit*:* A2 Milestone 0.5 - Due Friday July 26th*: Implement CDialog*: Implement CValEdit*: Implement CMenuItem*:* A2 Milestone 0.7 - Due Friday August 2nd*: Implement CCheckMark*: Implement CText*: Implement CCheckList*:* A2 Milestone 0.9 - Due Friday August 9th*: Implement CMenu*: Merge all projects and verify CUI framework is fully functional and bugless*:* A2 Milestone 1.0 - Due Friday August 15th*: The Application*:Please note these are latest recommendations and you should intend to have these completed BEFORE the due dates. The final dead-line for this project is August 15h, no projects will be accepted past this point. 
void draw(int fn=C_NO_FRAME) ;
makes a direct call to console.strdsp(), passing '''_data''' for the string to be printed and absRow() and absCol() for row and col and _length width() for len.
this function ignores the argument fn.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int edit();
Makes a direct call to, and returns '''console.editstredit()'''.
For the coordinates and width arguments follow the same rules as the draw function.
For the rest of the arguments of console.edit(), use the attributes of '''CLineEdit'''.
Copies the characters pointed by '''Str''' into the memory pointed by Field's '''_data''' up to '''_maxdatalen''' characters.
===CLineEdit Student Resources===
====CLineEdit Help/Questions Blogs====
* [ Kevin S - Need help with draw()]
====CLineEdit Blog Posts====
[ C_BUTTON_HIT Key] is not defined(Pankaj Sama)
** It is defined in the new cuigh.h file. It is defined #define C_BUTTON_HIT 1. Gary Chen
'''HELP: Brackets around buttons' labels'''
: [ link] Vadim Namniak
====CButton Blog Posts====
I think you may try to change to console.setPos(row, ++col).
====CCheckMark Blog Posts====
===The Text Helper Class===
[ textClass Text class]
===CText Student Resources===
===CCheckList Student Resources===
====CCheckList Help/Questions Blogs====
* If you copied the header (''cchecklist.h'') from the ''20132notes'' repository, make sure to remove the const keyword after the ''void* data()'' function, since it is not.
* The same thing is for ''<u>void selectedIndex(int index)</u>'' and ''<u>int selectedIndex()const</u>'' — it is how they should look like.
====CCheckList Blog Posts====
MNode holds to main information about an Item in the menutmenu:
# The CMenuItem object
# The index of this Item
deletes the '''_item'''
const char* selectedText();
returns the text of the selected menu, if . If nothing is selected, and empty string is returned.
<big><syntaxhighlight lang = "cpp">
bool editable()const;
returns true if '''_cnt''' is greater than zero
===CMenu Student Resources===
====CMenu Help/Questions Blogs====
====CMenu Blog Posts====