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Ansible Groups
=== Ansible Groups ===
The following ansible groups are used to change the type of configuration that each builder receives. Once each builder has been added to the groups they should be in, run ansible and each group will get treated slightly differently, configuring all builders.
==== Group Structure ====
The following is a structure of groups, this shows parent groups with child groups.
** arm-4-4
==== builders_default ====
This group is a default group to for all builders. All builders should be in this group.
==== builders_nfs ====
This group is used for nfs configuration. This was previously used on older builders that did not have hard drives and required more building space and speed.
==== builder_swap ====
This group will allow for ansible to generate a 4GB swap file on the builders and turn that swap file on. This is primarily used for builders that require more swap than is set up on their swap partitions.
==== builder_staticip ====
This group should be used for all builders that require static ip addresses. It will setup the custom ip address based on the resolved hostname inside the /etc/ansible/ansible_hosts file.