→Sign, Mash, and Rsync Together!
= Sign, Mash, and Rsync Together! =
== Prerequisites ==
* Must setup passwordless logins from root@japan to all users in the script
* Must have a working mash configuration: [[Pidora_SOP#Creating_Repositories | See mash below]]
* Must have a configured sigul user with access to the signing key
* Make sure that any externally called scripts are in the correct locations
== Running pidora-update.py ==
* ssh japan
* run as root /root/pidora-update/pidora-update.py
** Can change which koji tag will be used for signing
== Examples runs ==
* Check which hosts you can successfully connect to
** Also shows default configurations
./pidora-update.py --info
sigulhost = england
mashhost = japan
rsynchost = pidora.ca
siguluser = agreene
mashuser = root
rsyncuser = pidorapr
mashdir = /usr/local/bin/mash-pidora
kojitags = ['f18-updates', 'f18-rpfr-updates', 'f18-updates-testing', 'f18-rpfr-updates-testing']
working hosts: ['japan', 'england', 'pidora.ca']
failed hosts: []=
* Get a list of unsigned packages
** Can check a single tag with --koji-tag=<tag-name>
./pidora-update.py --list-unsigned
* Using the default configuration, start a sign, mash, rsync
./pidora-update.py --all
* Changing the configurations with command line options
** Sign using a different user, on a single koji tag
./pidora-update.py --sign --sigul-user=oatley --koji-tag=f18-updates-testing
== Changing Default Configurations ==