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OPS235 Lab 1 - Fedora17

34 bytes added, 20:10, 7 May 2013
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{{Admon/tip |Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following commands 4 tutorials (you can copy and pastethese separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br /><br >/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br /><br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br /><br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi-tutorial<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book: