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39 bytes added, 09:48, 18 March 2013
= Lab =
This is a marked lab. Please submit it using Moodle (Lab7Lab6).
You will modify and extend my first example. You can start from my code in the square spiral example aboveor you can write your own from scratch.
Make each segment (the short line drawn per frame) a different colour, specify the colour using numbers for R,G,B.
Degree students (optional for diploma students): add 4 dropdown fields to the page (not to the sketch) that will allow the user to change which side of the square gets which colour shade. You can select the same colour for more than one side. Remember that your .pde can have any javascript you like in it.
Add the same screenshot (or more than one if you like) to [[BTC640/ProcessingBasics/Lab2012Lab2013-1]]. Please do not overwrite other people's screenshots, choose a unique filename.
Submit your .pde file and a screenshot of the fully rendered square.