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Team Sonic

2,389 bytes added, 22:35, 8 March 2013
Team Sonic
= Team Sonic =
[[Image:sonicteam.png|right|frameless|widthpx727| ]]
== Members ==
# [ Prasanth Vaaheeswaran]
== About ==
== Required Files ==
#[ RabbitCT]#[ Dataset (Included problem sizes: 128, 256, 512)]
== Progress ==
=== Assignment 1 ===
In assignment 1 we identified the 'RCTAlgorithmBackprojection' function located in the dll/shared library was taking up virtually 100% of the execution time. Our goal for this assignment was to off-load that logic to the GPU using cuda api, leaving everything else intact.
The work we did can be separated in to three basic steps:
#Compile base software from source (RabbitCTRunner.exe and dll)
#Write cuda kernel to replace 'RCTAlgorithmBackprojection' in dll
#Integrate cuda kernel in to RabbitCTRunner
Using preprocessor directives the RabbitCTRunner was fitted with a token named GPU. If GPU was defined, our kernel along with all the necessary code will be compiled and used by RabbitCTRunner. This allowed us to have a small footprint on the changes applied and also allows us to use the flag to compile back the original RabbitCTRunner.
void Backprojection(float * gpu_matrix_result, RabbitCtGlobalData * r) // problem_size is r.L
Original RabbitCTRunner with volume size 128:
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>Rabbit.exe LolaBunny.dll rabbitct_512-v2.rctd original 128
RabbitCT runner
Info: using 4 buffer subsets with 240 projections each.
Running ... this may take some time.
Quality of reconstructed volume:
Root Mean Squared Error: 38914.3 HU
Mean Squared Error: 1.51433e+009 HU^2
Max. Absolute Error: 65535 HU
PSNR: -19.5571 dB
Runtime statistics:
Total: 339.759 s
Average: 353.915 ms
FULL RUNTIME: 340.507 secs
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>
CudaRabbit, volume size 128.
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>CudaRabbit.exe LolaBunny.dll rabbitct_512-v2.rctd result 128/
RabbitCT runner
Info: using 4 buffer subsets with 240 projections each.
Running ... this may take some time.
Quality of reconstructed volume:
Root Mean Squared Error: 38914.3 HU
Mean Squared Error: 1.51433e+009 HU^2
Max. Absolute Error: 65535 HU
PSNR: -19.5571 dB
Runtime statistics:
Total: 0.004881 s
Average: 0.00508437 ms
FULL RUNTIME: 0.512 secs
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>
This graph represents for only 128 volume size.
As you can see, using cuda has improved the performance by ~99.85%, we went from over 5 minutes to under a second. However, this code still needs to be optimized and run on bigger volume sizes. This will be our next goal.
=== Assignment 3 ===