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WonderCode 20123 - OOP344

590 bytes added, 10:53, 10 November 2012
== Meetings ==
* latest will be on top
# [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | topic Branching in Github and date1 Nov. 5 ]]Meeting held in IRC. Discussed how to use GUI and command line to create branches, create issues and make pull requests.# [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | topic Branching Again in Git and date2 Nov. 8 ]]Met in person in school. Discussed more details on previous topics.# [[(Irc)logs of meeting number ### - oop344 20113 | Merging and Solve Merging Problems and Nov. 9 ]]Audio conference in Skype. Discussed the problems on merging. There were some errors when merging branch back to master. It prompted that there were unmerged files and merge conflict. Explored those problem. Finally, all branches were merged to master by resetting it.
== Discussions ==