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Raspberry Pi Video Decoder

1,183 bytes added, 17:19, 8 December 2012
Source Code Control
NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You should not add your own name to the Contributor list. -->
[ Andrei Martinenco]<br>
[ Jeicheng Qiu]<br>
[ Chris Tyler]<br>
[ Ahmad Taychouri]
== Project Details ==
<!-- Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them. -->
I will be attempting to build and release omxplayer for the Raspberry Pi running Fedora Remix.
== Project Plan ==
Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, : [ github, ]  Key contacts: [ Chris Tyler]
Key contacts:
<!-- Add links to any mentors or key participants in the community. -->
Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:
<!-- Note: each contributor is expected to have unique goals. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' work. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. -->
*  0.1 - <s>Obtain the source code for latest GIT revision of VLC media player and repackage patch it for Raspberry Pi</s> Obtain the latest GIT revision of omxp player and patch it for the Raspberry Pi* Get the latest GIT revision*Make changes and commit them*Produce a patch according to the GIT page0.2 - Revise and complete package patch and submit to the fedora Packaging Review <s>VLC-devel</s> Fedora committee* Revise patch for accuracy, consistence, functionality*Reference the <s>VLC</s> Fedora check list and ensure all conditions are met*Send the patch to <s>VLC-Devel</s> Fedora<s>0.3 - Have a functional package available Follow the patch and revise for Fedoraapproval*Verify patch was received*Modify patch if necessarily and resubmit.</Raspberry Pis><br>0.3 - Release an RPM for the omxplayer package*Ensure package works
== Communication ==
=== Upsteam Wiki and Web ===
<!-- Links to upstream wiki/web pages -->
[ Pi Home Page]<br>[ Pi Wiki]<br>[ Pi FAQ]<br>[http://wwwfedoraproject.broadcom.comorg/productswiki/BCM2835How_to_create_an_RPM_package How to Create an RPM]<br> http[ Package update How TO]<br>[http://liliputingfedoraproject.comorg/2012wiki/10/raspberry-pi-graphics-code-is-now-open-source.htmlHow_to_test_updates How to test updates]<br>[ GIT]
=== Links/Bugs/Tracking ===
=== Source Code Control ===
<!-- Add a link to source code URLs, including git/mercurial/svn/cvs repositories -->
[ Git omxplayer]
=== Blogs ===
<!-- This is where a permanent record of your releases and updates will go. In these you should discuss the status or your work, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc. -->
For Current updates and news on this project, please see the blog listed above.