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== (Changed to Running F17 on Beaglebone) Programming GPIO on Fedora ==
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Resources: Chris Tyler (ctyler), Peter Robinson (pbrobinson)
Update to
<!-- Description should be no longer than a paragraph. Include links to any relevant on-line resources. For example, [] or [ MDC]. -->
IRC: Jie_Q
'''Luis Francisco Fuentes'''<br />
Wiki Page: [[User: Luis Francisco Fuentes]]<br />
IRC: Luis
NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You should not add your own name to the Contributor list. -->
Omarr Khattab -- Give me config files of Fedora 17 arm.
Max -- help me with change the mmc_root permission.
Gloria Ip -- help me with some sources link and reference info.
== Project Details ==
<!-- Provides more depth than the == Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them. -->Plan ==
Oct 6, 2012. Group Meeting.<br /><br /> -We discussed about which hardware and interface we are going Nov 10 Update to contribute. And the final decision is we are gonna use Pandaboard device. I will work on the GPIO interface, and Luis will work on the I2C interface. One of our member drop the course, so, that is all for now.:
-We did some research on the library and drivers, here is the google doc link for sharing the information within group member:
(1) Try to get F17 running by leaving partition 1 untouched (the boot files) and replace partition 2 with the F17 userspace ("rootfs"). The easiest way to do this is probably to mount an Angstrom card on a PC, erase the files on the 2nd partition, and untar a rootfs tarball onto that partition.
(2) If that works, try updating the kernel on partition 1 to the F17 OMAP kernel. The kernel is the 'uImage' file in the first partion.
(3) If that works, then try to create a full beaglebone image from the F7 components. (Let me know if you get to this step).
You can ask for help on any of these in #fedora-arm. Please keep be posted on how this goes. Based on what you find out, we can set up image creation for BeagleBone in Fedora-ARM. Getting the F17 userspace running on the BeagleBoard (step 1 above) could be used as your 0.1 release.
== Project Plan ==
Tracking mechanism (bugzillaBelow it old project plan:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<s><!-- Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, tracproject specs, githubor other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them...):-->
Key contacts:Oct 6, 2012. Group Meeting.<br /><br /><!-- Add links We discussed about which hardware and interface we are going to any mentors or key participants in contribute. And the final decision is we are gonna use Pandaboard device. I will work on the communityGPIO interface, and Luis will work on the I2C interface. One of our member drop the course, so, that is all for now. -->
Goals for each release we did some research on the library and plans drivers, here is the google doc link for reaching those goalssharing the information within group member:<!-- Notehttps: each contributor is expected to have unique goals//docs. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' workgoogle. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. --><br com/><br document/>* 0.0 Plan<br d/><br 1TJQb7bEK91TNs3f2jqkOiQU3_ro8Z7BhKEbdtaCOoxc/>edit
We are going to use the Pandaboard Beaglebone/Beagleboard device for the I2C/GPIO/SPI interfaces.<br /><br />
Luis Fuentes : Package appropriate libraries for I2C Beagleboard GPIO <br />Jiecheng Qiu : Package appropriate libraries for Beaglebone GPIO <br />
<br /><br />
Oct 15, 2012 Update Project Home Page.<br /><br />
* 0Today we update the Project Detail, Project Plan, and Blogs.1 Research the We will continue do some research on library of GPIO/I2C , and try to package it on Pandaboard with Fedora System<br /><br />soon. And we will ask for loan some hardware.
* 0Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, .2 Test it and make it done<br /><br />..):
* 0Key contacts:<!-- Add links to any mentors or key participants in the community.3 Finalize the package release and finish the documentation<br /><br /-->
Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:
<!-- Note: each contributor is expected to have unique goals. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' work. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. -->
<br /><br />
0.1 release an initial version of our package <br /><br />
0.2 release a final version and get it into the Fedora package review process <br /><br />
0.3 the package has gone through the final release process and is available in Fedora <br /><br /></s>
== Communication ==
This is an unfinished project started by a CDOT research assistant for interfacing a motion sensor to a Pandaboard:
From Chris Tyler
=== Source Code Control ===
Jiecheng Qiu's Blog: