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Project R0.1 20123- OOP344

63 bytes added, 13:21, 14 October 2012
Help Needed
" when I tried to test it on matrix account. is there anyone who has same problem? - Jessica Park
:: You need to resize the terminal window because the test program restricts it to 24x80 to 30x100 (rows x cols). You can also edit the size thru preferences/settings if you don't like trial and error - Michael Wang <=== Hey,you have to use the "PUTTY" - Rody Choi
<==Just using the "PUTTY" anything will be fined - Jay Feng =>
*When running on matrix, whenever I press Home, End, or Insert, the program exits rather than run the code I wrote. It works fine on Visual Studio however. I complied with -lncurses. - Ronny Wan <-- Check Notes section on this page and follow "Using Linux..." instruction even for Windows version of Putty - Hiroshi Takemoto