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FSOSS - Raspberry Pi Projects Showcase

822 bytes added, 11:54, 4 October 2012
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What can your Pi do?
[[Image:Pilogo.jpg‎|thumb|widthpx 80|]]
[[Image:LimorPOVRasPiwand.jpeg‎|thumb|left|100px|widthpx 80|Raspberry Pi PoV wand]]
[[Image:Iliketrafficlights.jpeg‎‎|thumb|left|100px|widthpx 80|Raspberry Pi traffic lights]]
If you are interested in showing off your innovative way to use your Raspberry Pi:
Cdot welcomes you to submit your project into the == What's a Raspberry Pi contest.? ==
Your project will be displayed at [ (FSOSS) Free Software and Open Source Symposium 2012]
On Thursday, October 25th - 26th 2012
Raspberry Pi's were designed specifically with the classroom in mind. After seeing a decline in the basic computer programming skills within incoming Freshman classes, Eben Upton and fellow Cambridge University colleagues set out to develop a low cost open sources hardware and software platform that would encouraged experimentation and innovation. The goal of the Raspberry Pi computer is to get students excited about programming again. With a low cost platform and a plethora of open source content, students can learn to code easier than ever.   == What are Raspberry Pi's used for? ==  The short answer to that question is what every you want to use it for, think of the Raspberry Pi as a miniature electronic sandbox.  == What can you do with your Pi? ==  If you are interested in showing off an innovative way to use the Raspberry-Pi: FSOSS welcomes you to submit your project into the Raspberry Pi Creativity contest.  == FSOSS - Raspberry Pi Creativity contest == Your project will be displayed and judge at [ (FSOSS) Free Software and Open Source Symposium 2012] The contest will run from '''October 25, 2012''' to '''October 26, 2012''' prizes will be awarded to the most creative and innovate projectsideas submitted.
Prizes will be provided by []
For further information or inquires please contact
'''Andrew Greene'''