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Assignment 2 (Release 0.1): Q & A

60 bytes added, 21:21, 2 October 2012
Bug Reports
'''*''' In the given a2test_1_cframeBORLAND executable given as a reference to work on, if you move the outer frame all the way to the top right corner(or in such a way that it overlaps with Moving! ESC: exit), press ESCAPE, and then move the same frame again to the top left corner(or anywhere not previously occupied by Moving! ESC: exit), and then ESCAPE again, you will notice that a part of the frame is still visible on the part of the screen that used to contain the Moving... string. This is not the desired output.
'''''Submitted by: Gideon Thomas and Marie Karimizadeh'''''
== Possible/Challenging Enhancements ==