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GPU610/DPS915 Student Resources

16,309 bytes added, 19:40, 22 February 2018
Visual Studio 2017 and CUDA 9.1 Problem
{{GPU610/DPS915 Index | 2012320171}}=Student Resources=The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their game projects.
==BLAS Documentation --- This section The purpose of this page is a work in progress -- please do not edit [jboelen] ==to share useful information that can help groups with their CUDA projects.
Note= CUDA Enabled Cards =[http: This information applies to the '''gsl_cblas''' library // List @ CUDA Wiki]
There are 2 main functions to use= Workshop Notes ===BLAS Documentation==See the [[GPU610/DPS915_BLAS_Documentation | BLAS Documentation Page]]
===segmv<ref>httpFor Documentation on Apple's implementation of BLAS see their[<Accelerate/ref> ===void cblas_sgemv (const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N, const float alpha, const float * A, const int lda, const float * x, const int incx, const float beta, float * y, const int incy)<ref>http:Reference/BLAS_Ref/</ref>docs] which are very easy to read and navigate.
'''''m'''''==Getting Started on Mac==
http:represents:::the number of rows in input matrix a::: the length of vector y, if 'N' or 'n' is used for the trans parameter:::the length of vector x, if 'T' or 't' is used for the trans parameter:The number of rows must be greater than or equal to zero, and less than the leading dimension of the matrix a (specified in lda)//
'''''n'''''==Makefile Documentation==See the [[GPU610/DPS915_Makefile_Documentation | Makefile Documentation Page]]
:represents:====Troubleshooting====Problem with CUDA driver version 5.0.24 on MacBook Pro 2012 [http::the number of columns in input matrix a:::the length of vector x, if 'N' or 'n' is used for the trans parameter:::the length of vector y, if 'T' or 't' is used for the trans parameter:The number of columns must be greater than or equal to zero// Fix]
'''''alpha'''''==Visual Studio Common Problems & Solutions===== Cannot Open cublas.lib ===
:is the scaling constant for matrix a"lnk1104 cannot open cublas.lib"
'''''a'''''Add cublas.lib to Linker Input.
:is If you included cublas.lib in the linker configuration, but VS cannot find the input matrix file you may be buildingin Win32 instead of float x64 (depending on CUDA installation directory). To build in x64:# Project Properties (for sgemvalt+enter) or double # Click Configuration Options button# Active Solution Platform -> Change the dropdown box to x64# Close, OK# Try to build now(for dgemvBoris Bershadsky + Yehoshua Ghitis) values
'''''lda'''''=== Cuda Win32/x64 Library ===
:is After following the instructions,,provided in today's lecture, to setting up the library and include files in the leading dimension of project properties to run Cuda on VS 2012 Express at home, I still encounterthe array specified by alinker error; "unable to find cuda_runtime.h". Googling around, there are two ways around this. The leading dimension must be greater than zeroBy default, VS Studio uses the 32bit debugger, which you can change in project properties. The leading dimension must be greater than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal You will have to use the Win32 version of the value specified library directives (ie in mmy case "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvToolsExt\lib\Win32") with the default debugger. If use the x64 library files, change the debugger to 64bit (which I neglected and lost a good portion of time). Cheers.
'''''x'''''-- Peter Huang
=Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and CUDA 5 Toolkit Installation Guide=[http:is // See the input vector of float (for sgemv) or double (for dgemv) here; work in progress]
'''''incx'''''== SVGALIBS - Graphics Library ==This library is a Linux graphics library and thus will not work on windows (I have tried very briefly on finding a way but could not for the reason that Windows does not have X11/xorgs/linux tty devices). The program needs to be run on a Linux machine because it is using svgalibs which is an archaic way to display stuff on the linux screen (from quick google search on the svga library).
[http:is the stride for vector x//www. It can have any svgalibs link]
'''''beta'''''== nvcc cannot find header files ==a.k.a. Dun Goofing where nvcc locates its header files - as experienced by Neil Guzman
Find nvcc.profile (usually located in "C:is the scaling constant for vector y\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v5.0\bin") and replace everything inside it with this (if you have not changed it before):<pre>
'''''y'''''TOP = $(_HERE_)/..
:is the output vector of float PATH += $(for sgemvTOP) or double /open64/bin;$(for dgemvTOP) values./nvvm;$(_HERE_);$(TOP)/lib;
'''''incy'''''INCLUDES += "-I$(TOP)/include" "-I$(TOP)/include/cudart" "-IZ:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/include" $(_SPACE_)
LIBRARIES =+ $(_SPACE_) "/LIBPATH:is the stride for vector y. It must not be zero$(TOP)/lib/$(_WIN_PLATFORM_)" cudart.lib
The most important part to note is: "INCLUDES += ..." What you want to put is "-IC:/PATH/TO/THE/INCLUDE/FILES", which in my case was: "-IZ:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/include". Hope this helps anyone, as it insanely irritated me as changing up the environment path on windows did nothing. ==Dynamically Allocated Shared Memory =Getting Started =Here is a roundabout way of working around the shared memory limitations of your graphics card.The idea is to send in chunks that your kernel can handle, then keep on Macsending chunks until there are none to be sent. The address being sent is also being shifted based on the chunk size.<div style='color:#000000;background:#ffffff;'> CHUNKSIZE <span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> <span style='color:#008c00; '>512</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span>http shared_ <span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> CHUNKSIZE <span style='color:#808030; '>*</developerspan> <span style='color:#800000; font-weight:bold; '>sizeof</span><span style='color:#808030; '>(</span>SimBody<span style='color:#808030; '>)</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> <span style='color:#800000; font-weight:bold; '>while</span> <span style='color:#808030; '>(</span>chunks <span style='color:#808030; '>></span> <span style='color:#008c00; '>0</span><span style='color:#808030; '>)</span> <span style='color:#800080; '>{</span> BodyArray ba <span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> <span style='color:#800080; '>{</span> <span style='color:#808030; '>&amp;</span>arr<span style='color:#808030; '>.download</span><span style='color:#603000; '>array</span><span style='color:#808030; '>[</span>index<span style='color:#808030; '>]</span><span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> CHUNKSIZE <span style='color:#800080; '>}</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> SimCalc <span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span><span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span><span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span> numBlocks_<span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> numThreads_<span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> shared_ <span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>(</span>ba<span style='color:#808030; '>)</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> cudaThreadSynchronize<span style='color:#808030; '>(</span><span style='color:#808030; '>)</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> SimTick <span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span><span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span><span style='color:#808030; '>&lt;</span> numBlocks_<span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> numThreads_<span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> shared_ <span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>></span><span style='color:#808030; '>(</span>ba<span style='color:#808030; '>,</span> timeStep<span style='color:#808030; '>)</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> cudaThreadSynchronize<span style='color:#808030; '>(</span><span style='color:#808030; '>)</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> index <span style='color:#808030; '>+</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> CHUNKSIZE<span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> <span style='color:#808030; '>-</span><span style='color:#808030; '>-</span>chunks<span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> <span style='color:#800080; '>}</span> chunks <span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> arr<span style='color:#808030; '>.</span>size <span style='color:#808030; '>/</span> CHUNKSIZE <span style='color:#808030; '>+</span> <span style='color:#008c00; '>1</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span> index <span style='color:#808030; '>=</span> <span style='color:#008c00; '>0</span><span style='color:#800080; '>;</span></div> = Converting Fortran Code to C Code =Sample code from the TOMO project - converted by James Boelen, Raymong Hung, and Stanley Tsang== Original Fortran Subroutine ==<pre>SUBROUTINE longtrack_self(direction,nrep,yp,xp,turnnow)!-------------------------------------------------------------------------! h: principal harmonic number! eta0: phase slip factor! E0: energy of synchronous particle m! beta0: relativistic beta of synchronous particle! phi0: synchronous phase! q: charge state of particles! dphi: phase difference between considered particle and synchronous one! denergy: energy difference between considered particle and synchronous one! nrep: pass cavity nrep times before returning data! direction: to inverse the time advance (rotation in the bucket), 1 or -1! xp and yp: time and energy in pixels! dtbin and dEbin: GLOBAL time and energy pixel size in s and MeV! omegarev0: revolution frequency! VRF1,VRF2,VRF1dot,VRF2dot: GLOBAL RF voltages and derivatives of volts! turnnow: present turn!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE REAL(SP), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: xp,yp REAL(SP), DIMENSION(SIZE(xp)) :: dphi,denergy,selfvolt!HPF$ distribute dphi(block)!HPF$ align with dphi :: denergy,selfvolt,xp INTEGER :: mm INTEGER :: i,p,nrep,direction,turnnow dphi=(xp+xorigin)*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin-phi0(turnnow) denergy=(yp-yat0)*dEbin IF (direction.nvidiaGT.com0) THEN p=turnnow/dturns+1 DO i=1,nrep forall(mm=1:size(xp)) dphi(mm)=dphi(mm)-c1(turnnow)*denergy(mm) turnnow=turnnow+1 forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-& xorigin*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=(xp(mm)-& phiwrap*FLOOR(xp(mm)/phiwrap))/(h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin) forall(mm=1:size(xp)) selfvolt(mm)=vself(p,FLOOR(xp(mm))+1) forall(mm=1:size(xp)) denergy(mm)=denergy(mm)+q*((& (VRF1+VRF1dot*tatturn(turnnow))*SIN(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow))+& (VRF2+VRF2dot*tatturn(turnnow))*& SIN(hratio*(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-phi12)))+selfvolt(mm))-c2(turnnow) END DO ELSE p=turnnow/dturns DO i=1,nrep forall(mm=1:size(xp)) selfvolt(mm)=vself(p,FLOOR(xp(mm))+1) forall(mm=1:size(xp)) denergy(mm)=denergy(mm)-q*((& (VRF1+VRF1dot*tatturn(turnnow))*SIN(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow))+& (VRF2+VRF2dot*tatturn(turnnow))*& SIN(hratio*(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-phi12)))+selfvolt(mm))+c2(turnnow) turnnow=turnnow-1 forall(mm=1:size(xp)) dphi(mm)=dphi(mm)+c1(turnnow)*denergy(mm) forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-& xorigin*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=(xp(mm)-& phiwrap*FLOOR(xp(mm)/computephiwrap))/DevZone(h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin) END DO END IF yp=denergy/docsdEbin+yat0END SUBROUTINE longtrack_self</htmlpre>== Modified Fortran Subroutine ==<pre>SUBROUTINE longtrack_self(direction,nrep,yp,xp,turnnow)!-------------------------------------------------------------------------! h: principal harmonic number! eta0: phase slip factor! E0: energy of synchronous particle! beta0: relativistic beta of synchronous particle! phi0: synchronous phase! q: charge state of particles! dphi: phase difference between considered particle and synchronous one! denergy: energy difference between considered particle and synchronous one! nrep: pass cavity nrep times before returning data! direction: to inverse the time advance (rotation in the bucket), 1 or -1! xp and yp: time and energy in pixels! dtbin and dEbin: GLOBAL time and energy pixel size in s and MeV! omegarev0: revolution frequency! VRF1,VRF2,VRF1dot,VRF2dot: GLOBAL RF voltages and derivatives of volts! turnnow: present turn!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE REAL(SP), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: xp,yp REAL(SP), DIMENSION(SIZE(xp)) :: dphi,denergy,selfvolt!HPF$ distribute dphi(block)!HPF$ align with dphi :: denergy,selfvolt,xp INTEGER :: mm INTEGER :: i,p,nrep,direction,turnnow CALL gputrack_self(direction,nrep,yp,xp,turnnow, & SIZE(xp),dphi,denergy, & c1, & c2, & dEbin, & dtbin, & h, & hratio, & omegarev0, & phi0, & phi12, & q, & tatturn, & VRF1, & VRF1dot, & VRF2, & VRF2dot, & xorigin, & yat0, & p, & dturns, & phiwrap, & selfvolt, & profilecount-1, & wraplength, & vself )END SUBROUTINE longtrack_self</pre> == New CFunction ==<pre>#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h> void gputrack_self_ ( \ int *direction, \ int *nrep, \ float *yp, \ float *xp, \ int *turnnow, \ int *sizeofarrays, \ float *dphi, \ float *denergy, \ float *c1, \ float *c2, \ float *dEbin, \ float *dtbin, \ float *h, \ float *hratio, \ float *omegarev0, \ float *phi0, \ float *phi12, \ float *q, \ float *tatturn, \ float *VRF1, \ float *VRF1dot, \ float *VRF2, \ float *VRF2dot, \ float *xorigin, \ float *yat0, \ int *p, \ int *dturns, \ float *phiwrap, \ float *selfvolt, \ int *vselfDimRow, \ int *vselfDimCol, \ float *vself \){ /doc* Local Variables */CUDA_Getting_Started_Mac int l,i,mm,t; l = *sizeofarrays; t = *turnnow; // longtrack_self specific local variables int cp; cp = *p; /* dphi=(xp+xorigin)*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin-phi0(turnnow) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { dphi[mm] = (xp[mm] + *xorigin) * *h * omegarev0[t] * *dtbin - phi0[t]; } /* denergy=(yp-yat0)*dEbin */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { denergy[mm] = (yp[mm] - *yat0) * *dEbin; }  /* IF (direction.GT.pdf0) THEN */ if (*direction > 0) { /* p=turnnow/dturns+1 */ cp = t / *dturns + 1; /* DO i=1,nrep */ for(i = 1; i <= *nrep; i++) { /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) dphi(mm)=dphi(mm)-c1(turnnow)*denergy(mm) */ for(mm=0;mm<l;mm++) { dphi[mm] = dphi[mm] - c1[t] *denergy[mm]; } /* turnnow=turnnow+1 */ t=t+1; /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-& xorigin*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin */ for(mm=0;mm<l;mm++) { xp[mm] = dphi[mm] + phi0[t] - \ *xorigin * *h * omegarev0[t] * *dtbin; } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=(xp(mm)-& phiwrap*FLOOR(xp(mm)/phiwrap))/(h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { xp[mm] = (xp[mm] - \ *phiwrap * floor(xp[mm] / *phiwrap)) / (*h * omegarev0[t] * *dtbin); } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) selfvolt(mm)=vself(p,FLOOR(xp(mm))+1) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { int itemp = floor(xp[mm]); selfvolt[mm] = vself[(*vselfDimRow * (itemp)) + (cp-1)]; } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) denergy(mm)=denergy(mm)+q*((& (VRF1+VRF1dot*tatturn(turnnow))*SIN(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow))+& (VRF2+VRF2dot*tatturn(turnnow))*& SIN(hratio*(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-phi12)))+selfvolt(mm))-c2(turnnow) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { denergy[mm] = denergy[mm] + *q *(( \ (*VRF1 + *VRF1dot * tatturn[t]) * sin(dphi[mm] + phi0[t]) + \ (*VRF2 + *VRF2dot * tatturn[t]) * \ sin(*hratio * (dphi[mm] + phi0[t] - *phi12))) + selfvolt[mm]) -c2[t]; } /* END DO */ } } else { // p=turnnow/dturns cp = t / *dturns; // DO i=1,nrep for (i=1;i<=*nrep;i++) { // forall(mm=1:size(xp)) selfvolt(mm)=vself(p,FLOOR(xp(mm))+1) for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { int itemp = (int)floor(xp[mm]); selfvolt[mm] = vself[(*vselfDimRow*(itemp)) + (cp-1)]; } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) denergy(mm)=denergy(mm)-q*((& (VRF1+VRF1dot*tatturn(turnnow))*SIN(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow))+& (VRF2+VRF2dot*tatturn(turnnow))*& SIN(hratio*(dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-phi12)))+selfvolt(mm))+c2(turnnow) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { denergy[mm]=denergy[mm] - *q *(( \ (*VRF1 + *VRF1dot * tatturn[t]) *sin(dphi[mm] + phi0[t]) + \ (*VRF2 + *VRF2dot * tatturn[t]) * \ sin(*hratio * (dphi[mm] + phi0[t] - *phi12))) + selfvolt[mm]) + c2[t]; } // turnnow=turnnow-1 t--; /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) dphi(mm)=dphi(mm)-c1(turnnow)*denergy(mm) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { dphi[mm]=dphi[mm] + c1[t] * denergy[mm]; } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=dphi(mm)+phi0(turnnow)-& xorigin*h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { xp[mm] = dphi[mm] + phi0[t] - \ *xorigin * *h * omegarev0[t] * *dtbin; } /* forall(mm=1:size(xp)) xp(mm)=(xp(mm)-& phiwrap*FLOOR(xp(mm)/phiwrap))/(h*omegarev0(turnnow)*dtbin) */ for(mm = 0; mm < l; mm++) { xp[mm] = (xp[mm] - \ *phiwrap * floor(xp[mm] / *phiwrap)) / (*h * omegarev0[t] * *dtbin); } } } // yp=denergy/dEbin+yat0 for(mm=0; mm<l; mm++) { yp[mm] = denergy[mm] / *dEbin + *yat0; }
http: *turnnow = t; return;}<//>
=Visual Studio 2017 and CUDA 9.1 Problem =I ran into this problem when trying to build '''''' in the Thrust lecture. The only way I was able to build and run successfully was to create a '''CUDA 9.1 project'''. However, in the current version of Visual Studio 2017, unless you set the '''Platform Toolset''' to '''Visual Studio 2015 (v140)''', you will not be able to build and run CUDA 9.1 projects. This can be done by going to project properties, then to the General section, then changing the '''Platform Toolset'''. However, this is where I ran into a problem where Visual Studio would display an error and would not let me change the platform toolset. So I came up with the following workaround and it works:*If you haven't already done so, install the optional '''Visual Studio 2015 (v140)''' component which is available from the Visual Studio 2017 installer.*From Visual Studio, create a CUDA 9.1 project, then close the solution.*Using a text editor, open <project name>.vcxproj*Add the following as the first element in the XML under the '''Project''' tag: <nowiki><PropertyGroup> <CUDAPropsPath Condition==Troubleshooting=="'$(CUDAPropsPath)'==''">$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations</CUDAPropsPath> </PropertyGroup></nowiki>*Replace all occurrences (there are 2 of them) of v141 with v140.Problem *Search for "CUDA 9.1" (you will find 2 occurrences). Then replace the first entire line with <code><nowiki><Import Project="$(CUDAPropsPath)\CUDA driver version 59.01.24 on MacBook Pro 2012 [http:props" /></nowiki></blogscode> and the second entire line with <code><nowiki><Import Project="$(CUDAPropsPath)\CUDA 9.adobe1.comtargets" /premiereprotraining></2012nowiki></08/known-issues-with-cuda-5-0-17-driver-including-crashescode>.*Close the file in the text editor then re-open the solution in Visual Studio. You should now be able to add your .cu files, build and-kernel-panicsrun.html Fix]