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Fall 2012 DPI908/SBR600 Participants

3,749 bytes added, 12:28, 9 September 2013
Participant and Project Table
[[Category:Fall 2012 SBR600]][[Category:Fall 2012 DPI908]]
= Participant and Project Table =
{{Admon/tip|Sortable Table|Click on the arrow icon in any column to sort by that column.}}
{| class="sortable" border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%"
!width="10em"| # !! Name !! IRC Nick (Learn ID) !! Role !! Project !! Alternate Projects !! Notes Regarding Project !! Project Approval !! Continuation Course
| 0||[[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]] || ctyler (chris.tyler)|| Professor ||[[Fedora ARM Secondary ArchitectureHeadless IP Address Communication]]|| || || ||
| 1||[[User:Rchan|Raymond Chan]] || rchan /cheping (raymond.chan)|| Professor || || || || |||-| 2||[[User:damha|Ahmad Taychouri]] || damha (ataychouri)|| student ||[[Lima X Driver]] || The Panda Media Centre || I am choosing this project because of my experience with video drivers with the Linux OS|| |||-| 3||[[User:Kalpaniya Parmar|Kalpaniya Parmar]] || kparmar4|| CTY Student ||[[School Server Packaging]] || [[Make Fedora Eclipse Compatible with the Android Extension]] || || |||-| 4||[[User:zyu26|Zhiping Yu]] || zyu26 (zyu26)|| student ||[[School Server Packaging]] ||[[Packaging and support for OpenMAX ]] || || |||-| 5||[[User:Luis Francisco Fuentes|Luis Francisco]] || Luis (lffuentes)|| CTY student ||[[Programming GPIO on Fedora ]] || || || |||-| 6||[[User:Zhi Chang Ou|Zhi Chang Ou]] || Maximum || IFS student ||[[GuruPlug Security Server Fedora Remixes]]||[[SELinux Policy Analysis]]|| || |||-| 7||[[User:Keren Yu|Keren Yu]] || kyu6 || CTY student ||[[Andora Project fedora release]] || Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse || || |||-| 8||[[User:ayufidin|Alon Yufidin]] || ayufidin || CTY Student ||[[Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse]] || || || |||-| 9||[[User:vnngo|VicChester Ng o]] || chester || CNS Student || || Make Fedora ARM Secondary ArchitectureEclipse Compatible with the Android Extensions || || |||-| 10||[[User:amartinenco|Andrei Martinenco]] || amartinenco || CTY Student ||[[Packaging and support for OpenMAX]]|| || || |||-| 11||[[User:dkdelidj|Daniel Delidjakov]] || dkdelidj || CTY Student ||[[Package the Android Extensions for Eclipse]] || || || |||-| 12||[[User:Gloria Ip|Gloria Ip]] || lsip || CTY student ||[[Andora Project fedora release ]]||[[ Make Fedora Eclipse Compatible with the Android Extensions ]] || || |||-| 13||[[User:hapombo|Hugo Pombo]] || hapombo || CTY-C Student ||[[General HW enablement]]|| || || |||-| 14||[[User:Nikhil_Shrey_Sharma|Nikhil Sharma]] || nssharma || CTY Student ||[[General HW enablement ]]|| || || |||-| 15||[[User:maxamaxim|M A]] || maxam (mhabed)|| Student ||[[ARMv8 Support Analysis]] || [[Make fedora Compatible with Android]] || I am open to other ideas || |||-| 16||[[User:Omarr Khattab|Omarr Khattab]] || okhattab|| CTY Student ||[[Raspberry Pi Video Decoder]] || || || || |-| 17||[[User:Kowrinanthan Dayalingam|Kowrinanthan Dayalingam]] || kdayalingam|| IFS Student ||[[GuruPlug Security Server Fedora Remixes]]|||| || || Interested |-| 18||[[User:Alexander_Aristotle_Davis|Alexander Davis]] || Zulafoxx|| CNS Student ||[[School Server Packaging]] || [[ARMv8 Support Analysis]] || Chose this projects because I am skilled in packaging || |||-| 19||[[User:pvalerio|Peter Valerio]] || pvalerio (pvalerio)|| IFS Student || [[SELinux Policy Analysis]]||[[GuruPlug Security Server Fedora Remixes]]|| || |||-| 20||[[User:Jiecheng Qiu|Jiecheng Qiu]] || Jie_Q (jcqiu)|| CTY Student ||[[(Changed to Running F17 on Beaglebone) Programming GPIO on Fedora]] || || || |||-| 21||[[User:jnguithi|Japheth Nguithi]] || sabanane (jnguithi)|| IFS Student ||[[SELinux Policy Analysis]]||[[GuruPlug Security Server Fedora Remixes]]|| || |||-| 22||[[User:Ruowen Tang|Ruowen Tang]] || rtang12 (rtang12)|| CTY Student ||[[Andora Project Release Logo ]] || || || |||-| 23||[[User:Rudolf R Janns|Rudolf R Janns]] || n/a (rjanns)|| CTY Student || || || || |||-| 24||[[User:Jamal Jalali-Dolatshahi|Jamal Jalali-Dolatshahi]] || jjalali (jjalalid)|| IFS Student ||[[GuruPlug Security Server Fedora Remixes]]||[[SELinux Policy Analysis]]|| || |||-| 25||[[User:rlawrence5|Ryan Lawrence]] || Aqualie (rlawrence5) || CTY Student ||[[Packaging and support for OpenMAX]] || || || |||-| 26||[[User:Oatley|Andrew Oatley-Willis]] || oatley (acoatley-willis)|| CTY Student ||[[ARMv8 Support Analysis]]||Open to suggestions|| || ||
| 227||[[User:winnerJulian Rouse|Seneca StudentJulian Rouse]] || learn julian46 (sbr600.ctyjulian46)|| student IFS Student ||[[Fedora ARM Secondary ArchitectureMock chroot-break Privilege Escalation Risk Assessment]]|| || I choose this project because I'm interested in privilege escalation. || || 
| 328||[[User:damhaWaqas Khan|Ahmad TaychouriWaqas Khan]] || damha wkhan10 (ataychouriwkhan10)|| student IFS Student ||[[nMock_chroot-break/aPrivilege_Escalation_Risk_Assessment]]|| || Dedicated to ensure overall IT security || || 
| 429||[[User:zyu26Faranak Ahmadi|Zhiping YuFaranak Ahmadi]] || zyu26 (zyu26)fahmadi6 || student CTYC Student ||[[n/a]]|| || || || 
| 529||[[User:lffuentesMichael Sousa|Luis FranciscoMichael Sousa]] || luis_ (lffuentes)msousa3 || CTY student CTYC Student ||[[n/a]]|| || || || 
| 6||[[User:Zhi Chang Ou|Maximum]] || Maximum || IFS student ||[[n/a]]|| || || ||
{{Admon/important|Don't Break the Table|Use the ''preview'' capability to ensure that your wiki markup is correct before saving. If you break the table or page, please fix it!}}
* '''Name''' - Your full name, linked to your wiki user profile page (please place contact information there).
* '''IRC Nick(s)''' - Your nicks (nicknames) as used on [[Irc|IRC]]. Leave this blank if you're not using IRC yet.
* '''Role''' - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, IFS Student, CDOT Researcher.
* '''Project''' - Link to your main SBR600 project wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected an SBR600 project yet.
* '''Alternate Projects''' - Projects you are interested in doing if your selected project is not approved.
* '''Notes Regarding Project''' - Any comments you have about your project selection.
* '''Project Approval''' - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.
* '''Continuation Course''' - Place a Y here if you're interested in taking the SBR700/OSD700 a continuation course. This will be a course offered in a subsequent semester where you can continue work on the project you started in DPI908/SBR600 (or another follow-on project, if your DPI908/SBR600 project is concluded). Place an N here if you are not interested in taking SBR700/OSD700the continuation course. Leave this blank if you're unsure.
= Instructions - Participant Information =
Edit your row on this page:
* In the '''Project''' column, please place a project title exactly as written on the [[DPI908/SBR600 Potential Projects|potential projects]] page.
* In the '''Alternate Projects''' column, please name one or two other projects that you are also interested in, if your first choice is oversubscribed or not available.
* In the '''Notes Regarding Project''' column, comment on why you chose the project you did.
** Identify some initial resources (people, information) and links.
** Decide on your goals for your 0.1 release (proof of concept), 0.2 release (initial implementation), and 0.3 release (good implementation). Note that some projects have a much bigger scope than others, and some will be largely completed by the first release date (in which case you may want to take on a second small project for the later release dates).
* '''Due date: Initial project plans will be presented on Monday, October 8 and must be completed on the wiki before class.'''To be announced.