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Online Instructional Presence in Moodle

31 bytes added, 12:24, 30 August 2012
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:'''2. Subject outlines, addenda (if there are addenda), schedule, and assignments need to be posted'''.<br /> Here's how to do this in Moodle:
::#A link to your subject outline is already provided when a course shell is created for you
::#The easiest way to add addenda, schedules, assignments is click the "Turn editing on" link in your admin blockfrom the "Add a resource..." option box, select "Compose a text page" or "Compose a web page" or "Link to a file or web site" (Note: many of you have your materials on a wiki already and can just link to them via the "Link to a file or web site" option. Many of you also use the calendar in Moodle for scheduling purposes.)
 :'''3. A welcome message (and ongoing announcements) should be posted'''. <br />Here's how to do this in Moodle:::An "Announcements" forum is already provided when a course shell is created for you; however, obviously, no announcements are posted yet. Recommendation is to send out regular (i.e., weekly) announcements. Here's how to do this in Moodle:::#click the "Announcements" link::#click the "Add a new topic" button::#Type your "Subject" and "Message"::#click the "Post to forum" button (Note: in Moodle announcements are automatically sent via email to enrolled students if students have not turned off this feature. Students can select to receive a daily digest as well, which goes out at midnight each night.)
Faculty contact information should be posted. Here's how to do this in Moodle: