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GAM666/DPS901 Student Resources

4,478 bytes added, 18:59, 13 October 2012
Fixed a few typos
{{GAM666/DPS901 Index | 20123}}
=Fixing Error S1023 for DirectX SDK=
I had issues installing the DirectX SDK June 2010. I kept getting an error (S1023).
I found a blog that explains how to fix the error.
From the blog:
(1) Remove the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1) from the system (both x86 and x64 if applicable). This can be easily done via a command-line with administrator rights:
<pre>MsiExec.exe /passive /X{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}
MsiExec.exe /passive /X{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}</pre>
(2) Install the DirectX SDK (June 2010)
(3) Reinstall the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1). On an x64 system, you should install both the x86 and x64 versions of the C++ REDIST. Be sure to install the most [ current version available] , which at this point is the KB 2565063 with a security fix.
Following those steps fixed my problem with the installation of DirectX SDK.
=Power Tools for Visual Studio=
I found a neat extension for VS that includes productivity tools that makes it even better to use. I just thought I'd share this.
[ Link]
Some of the tools include useful features like:
*highlighting all occurrences of a word
*triple click to highlight entire line
*formatting tool to align assignment
*ctrl+click to the source of the defenition
*and more...
You can always disable a feature that you don't want in tools>options>Productivity Extension.
Note: This extension only works with 2010 version of Visual Studio.
=Review Material for Test 1=
Possible test question
d3d->CreateDevice( ) //returns &d3dd
sprite->D3DCreateSprite() //returns &sprite
//com Direct3D object
d3dd -> Clear ()
// { single frame
d3dd -> BeginScene()
//[ drawing graphic
// ]
d3dd ->EndScene()
d3dd -> Present()
[[User:Sezar Gantous | -Sezar]]
* Windows Programming
** Windows Functions ([ WinMain], [ EnableWindow], [ AdjustWindowRectEx], [ SendDlgItemMessage], [ GetDlgItem], [ RegisterClass], [ DialogBox ] (macro), [ DestroyWindow], [ CreateWindow], [ ShowWindow], [ UpdateWindow], [ PeekMessage], [ TranslateMessage], [ PostMessage], [ DispatchMessage], [ Setcursor], [ PostQuitMessage], [ DefWindowProc], [ WaitMessage], [ MessageBox])** [ Window Procedures]or Scroll UP on this [ page] and Scroll UP on this [ page]* [ COM Technology]* [ Direct3D]
** Direct3D COM Object
** Direct3D Display Device COM Object
** Action-Key Mapping
modified by [[User:Sezar Gantous | -Sezar]] Oct 06 2012(Found a mistake? let me know [ here])
<br />
=Project Resources=
The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their game projects.