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OPS235 Lab 6 - Fedora17

47 bytes added, 15:35, 3 July 2012
Investigation 3: What files does the system-config-network GUI tool change?.
<li>View the <code>/root/netcfg.lst</code> file. What does it contain?</li>
<li>Create a new directory called: <code>/tmp/lab6</code></li>
<li>Issue the following commandcommands:
<li><code>mkdir -p /tmp/lab6</code></li>
<li><code>find /etc -newer /tmp/timestamp -exec cp {} /tmp/lab6 \;</code></li>
'''Answer the Investigation 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
=== Investigation 4: How do I configure the network without a GUI tool? ===