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Seneca BigBlueButton web gateway - Joining a meeting

553 bytes added, 17:49, 27 June 2012
Joining a meeting
=Joining a meeting=
To join a Big Blue Button meeting you need a Flash enabled browser. Which , essentially is any browser you can watch you-tube Youtube videos on. <br />:''NOTE: Real player and Flash conflict on Firefox 13. If you have them both installed on your computer and your flash videos do not work, read this article for a solution:''<br />It is highly recommended to that you use a headset with Big Blue Button. This prevents the Using a headset will prevent an echo effect for the Speaker in the meetingbetween voice participants.<br />Note that if you are using a USB headset, you should set your the default speakers of the your system as to your headset.==Non-Guests without a Seneca guests ID (Using a guest URL)==# Copy and paste the URL that was given to you into a browser (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc...)
# You will see the following page:
# Enter a name that others other participants in the meeting can recognize you with, in the meeting.# Enter the password sent to you with the URL.
# Click on Login
==Seneca Users==
# login Login to using your Seneca ID and password.#: you Note: You may get a warning on about the SSL certificate! Accept the risk and proceed. The reason you are getting this message is that this server is a Demo demo server and the SSL certificate on it is self-signed. There You are safe to proceed as there is no actual risk and to you or your User id and password is as they are being passed through a secure layer.# When logged After logging in, if you don't see the list of ongoing meetings, click on the "joinJoin" link.
## From the list of meeting meetings, select the one you were invited to.## Enter the password you were sent along with the invitation.## Click on "Join Meeting.
=Initial audio setup=
Now that you are joining have joined the meeting. <br />At this stage "flash" , Flash needs to identify which microphone you are usingwish to use.<br />:It is highly recommended to you use a headset. This prevents the , it will prevent an echo effect for the Speaker voice participants in the meeting.<br />:Note that if you are using a USB headset, you should set your the default speakers of the your system as to your headset.==Allow Flash to use the audio/video of the system==*When this the screen below appears:, click on "Allow" so Flash can have access to the audio/video for your system (Note that older versions of chrome hang at this section, if you are using chrome and this happened, either update your chrome, or use another browser)
*:Click on "Allow" so flash can use At this stage, if you have a microphone plugged in, you should be able to hear your own voice from the audio/video of speakers and the systembar moving when talking.*If you have a microphone plugged in and you can't hear yourself, select Change Microphone. Then Select select the microphone of your head set (or the preferred microphone of the system) and close the prompt.
*:At this stage you should be able to hear your own voice from the speakers and the bar moving when talking.*:If you can't hear yourself, then click on "Change Microphone" and select the proper one*Finally click on "Join Audio" To start join the meeting.==Basic Icons (buttons) of Big Blue Button==There are four buttons on in the top-left top corner of the meeting pagewindow. : Note: If you are not a moderator (presenter) then you will only see the first two:[[File:BBBIcons.png]]*Sharing Audio: Enables and disables the flash Flash audio. Note that this is NOT a mute button. if the audio is disabled and enabled again, you will get the prompt for selecting a microphone and joining the audio again.*Sharing Video: Enables and disables sharing of your image through the webcam of your computerif you have one connected. This Clicking the button Does will not immediately share your image to others, but it only activates your webcam. To share (display) your image webcam you must click on the "playPlay" button that is placed at in the bottom left of the webcam (your image) window.*Sharing Desktop: shares Shares a selection of your desktop to others (only if you are a presenter) .*The Polling Module: Manages and posts polling questions , with multiple answers , to others and give returns feedback to you feed back by showing the percentage of selections by votes from attendees. It also , if enabled, posts the polls on to a mobile devices using a friendly URL in case you are using the Big Blue Button in a combined (remote and local) lecture or meeting.