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Team Extreme 20121 - oop344

791 bytes removed, 00:31, 20 January 2017
Trunk Status
{{OOP344 Index | 20121}}
= Team Extreme - OOP344 20121 =
 == Project Marking Percentage Team Members ==* due right after study break<big> Group work: 50% (25 <{| class="wikitable sortable" border= xx <"1" cellpadding= 50)"5"! First Name !! Last Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! Individual work: 50% + (50 <= xx <= 75) IRC nick !! Blog URL ---------|-<!--|[[User:WikiID | Thevakaran]]|| LastName || Section || [ SenecaEmailID] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID | WikiID]] || IrcNick || [http://yourBlogURL BlogName]|---> |-|[[User:wwong20 | William]]|| Wong || A || [ wwong20] || [[Special:Contributions/wwong20 | wwong20]] || Terrawing || [ Terrawing's Blog-O-Rama] |-  |-|[[User:Rhuynh3 | Richard]]||Huynh||A||[ rhuynh3]||[[Special:Contributions/rhuynh3 | rhuynh3]]||Radox||[ Richard's Blog]|-  |-|[[User:hchen142|Honghui]]||Chen||A||[ hchen142]||[[Special:Contributions/hchen142|hchen142]]||chenhonghui12||[ HonghuiChen's Blog]|-  |-|[[User:xlian3|Xing]]||Lian||A||[ xlian3]||[[Special:Contributions/xlian3|xlian3]]||leolian||[ Leo Lian's Blog]|- Total 100%</big>|} [;;;; Email All]
== Repository ==
* repo id: [svn:// oop344_121rep05]
=== Trunk Status ===* Committed by*: ID: [ hchen142]*: Name: Honghui Chen*: IRC: chenhonghui12*: Time: 11:00 pm Apr 21, 2012*: Merging CMenu.cpp into Trunk  * Committed by*: ID: [ wwong20]*: Name: William Wong*: IRC: Terrawing*: Time: 4:45pm Apr 21, 2012*: Merging my CText with Richard's version into Trunk  * Committed by*: ID: [ Rhuynh3]*: Name: Richard Huynh*: IRC: Radox*: Time: 11:30pm Apr 20, 2012*: Merging CText * Committed by*: ID: [ wwong20]*: Name: William Wong*: IRC: Terrawing*: Time: 6:23 pm Mar 29, 2012*: Update the class '''CDialog.cpp''' to trunk and merge the finish class '''CMenuItem.cpp''' to trunk  
* Committed by
*: ID: [ hchen142]
*: Time: 11:00 pm Mar 28, 2012
*: Merged the finished class '''CButton.cpp''' to trunk
* Committed by
*: ID: [ ktarpomanov]
*: Name: Kamen T
*: IRC: Kamen
*: Time: 11:50am Mar 28, 2012
* Committed by
*: ID: [ ktarpomanov]
*: Name: Kamen T
*: IRC: Kamen
*: Time: 7:15pm-8:30pm Mar 08, 2012
*: Merged all work to trunk
* Committed by
*: Pass the test for Test1Frame.cpp and tag the trunk under R0.1 in tags directory
**Hey Leo, can you put it in the trunk because I think we all agree to use your console.cpp and console.h, so you can replace the current ones I put last time. Thanks - William
* Committed by
*: ID: [ ktarpomanov]
*: Name: Kamen Tarpomanov
*: IRC: Kamen
*: Time: 1:17pm Feb 16, 2012
* committed/committing by
*: irc nick: mynick
*: any other info
== Team Members ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
|+ Team Extreme - OOP344 20121
! First Name !! Last Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! IRC nick !! Blog URL
|[[User:WikiID | Thevakaran]]|| LastName || Section || [ SenecaEmailID] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID | WikiID]] || IrcNick || [http://yourBlogURL BlogName]
|[[User:wwong20 | William]]|| Wong || A || [ wwong20] || [[Special:Contributions/wwong20 | wwong20]] || Terrawing || [ Terrawing's Blog-O-Rama]
|[[User:Rhuynh3 | Richard]]||Huynh||A||[ rhuynh3]||[[Special:Contributions/rhuynh3 | rhuynh3]]||Radox||[ Richard's Blog]
|[[User:hchen142|Honghui]]||Chen||A||[ hchen142]||[[Special:Contributions/hchen142|hchen142]]||chenhonghui12||[ HonghuiChen's Blog]
|[[User:xlian3|Xing]]||Lian||A||[ xlian3]||[[Special:Contributions/xlian3|xlian3]]||leolian||[ Leo Lian's Blog]
|[[User:ktarpomanov|Kamen]]||Tarpomanov||A||[ ktarpomanov]||[[Special:Contributions/ktarpomanov|ktarpomanov]]||ktarpomanov||[ Kamen's Blog]
== Tasks ==
=== Task Name ===
* There are some problems with the previous '''CDialog.cpp''', so I updated it. Now the new one can successfully work with my '''CBotton.cpp''', but I am not sure it is corrected. If you find somewhere cannot work with your class, please modify it.
* Honghui Chen 2012.03.28
* --- Hey I try using yours and it crashed my program completely, I also tried it on Leo's program and it goes onto an infinite loop. I modify the up key on my CDialog and it is working on mine, Leo's and yours because I was testing it on everyone's branch with my modified CDialog off of Leo's modifed one. - William
*28/03/2013 --- I put the CLineEdit class into my branch but there seems to be some bugs in CDialog class or Console class. I'm not sure where the bug is but the CLineEdit class could not work properly. I will continue to find them. Richard, you can start the CValEdit using the CLineEdit class in my branch. --- leolian
* Class : CMenuItem
* Class : CButton
* Honghui Chen
* Class: CCheckMark
* Kamen Tarpomanov
* status
== meetings Meetings ==
* latest will be on top
* Thursday Mar 22, 2012 @ 12:30pm - Done (Meeting with Fardad)
* Wednesday Feb 29, 2012 @ 9:00pm - Done (check the IRC log)
* Sunday Feb 26, 2012 @ 8:00pm - Done (check the IRC log)
* Sunday Feb 19, 2012 @ 8:00pm - Done (check the IRC log)
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]
== Project Marking Percentage ==* Sunday Feb 19, 2012 @ 8due right after study break<big> Group work:00pm - Done 50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 50% + (check the IRC log50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%</big>
== Notes ==
*Check this link for a quick rundown on what each class suppose to do (its not 100% right, its more of a guideline): or my blog
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]