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Big Blue Button Bugs

679 bytes added, 10:36, 20 March 2012
Polling Module Bugs List
'''Bug Description: ''' When you save poll with all you can apply option, and than invoke poll and click publish - all you can apply string is appended
''' Date Fixed: '''Feb 22 2012------------------
''' Bug Id:''' 2
'''Bug Description: ''' When you close published poll by clicking on x, it does not stop poll, and also it does not give to Publish another poll
''' Date Fixed: ''' Feb 24 2012------------------ ''' Bug Id:''' 3 '''Bug Description: ''' If you create a poll and publish it and then close the client the webkey - pollkey redis entry isn't deleted. Might be caused by outdated client. '''Status:''' Could not reproduce; did you recompile apps and restart Red5?------------------ ''' Bug Id:''' 4 '''Bug Description: ''' Opening an already-published poll for review triggers the chat-window notifications as if the poll had been freshly created and immediately closed. ''' Date Fixed: ''' Mar 20 2012