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Mouse Lock API Test Tracker

4,688 bytes removed, 12:56, 20 February 2012
Test new PointerLock API
==Test Mochitests for new PointerLock API==This is a new list of test. The following tests will need to confirm to the new prefixes in accordance to Patchv3 of [ Bug 633602]. Please add your name beside each test(s) you are assessing/reviewing/fixing.Once the cause for rejection is clear, indicate it by placing an X in any of the columns and optionally filling out the comments column. Indicate the action taken to resolve the issue in the action taken column. Example actions include:# '''DELETED'''# '''FIXED''' Other actions are also acceptable where appropriate.Once fixed, please pull request to Steven's ([ Anachid's mouselock]) branch and indicate that you've done so in the pull requested column. Ensure that you add '''[POST-SUBMIT]''' to the name of your pull request.
{| border=1 style="border: 1px solid darkgray;"
| Num
| Name
| Primary ReviewerReviewers| Timing issues?| Needs Harness?| Needs focusUpdated?| Formatting issuesReviewed?| Other? (Indicate in comments)| Action Taken| Pull requested?| bgcolor="red" style="text-align:center;" | Updated with Patchv3
| Comments
| colspan=14 bgcolor="yellow" style="text-align:center;" | '''Add my repo as a "remote" and ensure you have actually tested your test before sending a pull request'''
| 1
| test_FullScreenHarness.html
| Anachid
| X (no action)
| X (no action)
| X (no action)
| X (no action)
| -
* '''FIXED'''* '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| No issues
| 2
| file_DOMtree.html
| Anachiddiogogmt| X (fixed)| X (fixed)| X (fixed)| X (no action)| -
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| No issues
| 3
| file_nestedFullScreen.html
| Anachiddiogogmt| X (fixed)| X (fixed)| X (fixed)| X (no action)| -
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Had timing issues
| 4
| file_differentDOM.html
| Anachiddiogogmt| X (no action)| X (no action)| X (no action)| X (no action)| -
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Removed style "display: none" as this causes a crash
| 5
| file_fullscreen.html
| Anachid| X| X| X| X| -
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Test needs to completely re-done. Cases like <br>
* ok(false, "Mouse locked without fullscreen mode"); will always fail!
* Flow of the test will causes scope problems.
* Currently fixing.
| 6
| file_doubleLockCallBack.html
| Anachiddiogogmt| X| X| X| X| -| * '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| Re-formatted for consistencies
| 7
| file_unlockOnUnload.html
| Anachid
| X
| X
| X
| X
| -
* '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''|| Merged| X| Fixed formatting issues-
| 8
| file_exitMouseLockOnLoseFocus.html| Anachid| X| X| X| X| -htm
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Re-formatted for consistencies
| 9
| test_mousePos.html
| rhung
| 10
| file_pointerlocklost.html
| diogogmt
| Doesn't seem like it can be done via mochitest
| '''REMOVED'''
| As mentioned in the previous comments, synthesizeMouse cannot be moved beyond the browser. It might need to be a litmus test.
| 10
| file_mouselocklost.html
| Anachid
| X
| X
| X
| X
| -
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
* Removed some test that were repeating. Otherwise, it works
* Renamed to '''file_pointerLockLost.html''' to adhere to specification
| 11
| file_movementXY.html
| rhung| X| X| X| X| -| '''Tentative Fix''' | Merged| X| This test have multiple parts* checks for mozMovementX and mozMovementY exists and their values before and after lock - FIXED* checks that repeated movement does not exceed the width/height of the screen - FAILED TO RUN PROPERLY (REMOVED TENTATIVELY)
| 12
| file_targetOutOfFocus.html
| <s>rhung</s><br>Anachid
| X
| X
| X
| X (fixed)
| -
* '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| * Minor changes, mostly styling.* Minor timing issues detected, fixed by Anachid
| 13
| test_mouseLockabletest_MozPointerLock.html| rhung| X| X| X| X| -
* '''FIXED & RENAMED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| Updated to test_MozPointerLock.html
| 14
| file_MouseEvents.html
| rhung
| X
| X
| X
| X
| <s>Leak issue might be platform specific.</s>
no longer a platform issue as it happens on linux as well - Anachid
| '''FIXING'''
| X| * "mouseover", "mouseout", "mouseenter", "mouseleave" have been moved to another: file_cursorPosEvents.html|
| 15
| file_cursorPosEvents.html
| rhung| X| X| X| X| -|* '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| stripped out from file_MouseEvents.html|-| 16| file_limitlessScroll.html| rhung
| 17
| file_defaultUnlock.html
| '''MERGED WITH file_movementXY'''
| See file_movementXY.html for comment
| 17
| file_defaultUnlock.html
| <s>rhung</s><br>Anachid
| X
| X
| X
| X
| read comments
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Changed ownership to Anachid -
* Old version was unable to synthesize the key events and is crashing
* Re done the entire file to ensure the events are executed properly
| 18
| file_userPref.html
| rhung|||
* '''FIXED'''
* '''UPLOADED'''
| Merged
| X
| Anachid -
* Changed for inconsistent format
* Small minor bug fix
| 19
| file_constantXY.html
| rhung
| X
| X
| X
| X
| -
* '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| Needs proper error messages, perhaps formatting issues. Test runs fine though.
| 20
| file_pointerLockCSSDisplay.html
| Anachid
| X
| X
| X
| X
| -
* '''FIXED''' * '''UPLOADED'''| Merged| X| New test after [ crash reported here]* check that lock cannot be enabled if styling element have "display: none" set.
| 21
| [unknown filename]| Diogogmtfile_retargetMouseEvents.html
| | | | | [Unknown]| | | Test on checking that events inside a locked element are re-targeted to the element in lock.
==Test [as of 31st January, 2012]==