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BBB Dev Env Alias

1,212 bytes added, 11:20, 15 February 2012
Created page with '== Introduction == Aliases in Ubuntu make your life easier, all you need is just enter alias once and than refer to it from anywhere. It saves time! How to set up alias ? Opeā€¦'
== Introduction ==

Aliases in Ubuntu make your life easier, all you need is just enter alias once and than refer to it from anywhere. It saves time!

How to set up alias ?

Open Terminal and run the command:

'''sudo gedit ./~bashrc'''

It will open the file where the alias should be located.

For developing with Big blue Button it would be good to have at least following alias :

== Alias List ==

alias bbb-aps-compile='cd /home/firstuser/dev/source/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-apps; gradle war deploy'

alias bbb-red5-start='cd /usr/share/red5/ ;sudo -u red5 ./ '

alias bbb-red5-stop=' sudo /etc/init.d/red5 stop'

alias fullcompile='cd /home/firstuser/dev/source/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client; ant; compile PollingModule; sudo bbb-conf --clean'

alias bbb-compile-client='cd /home/firstuser/dev/source/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client; ant modules';

== How to use Aliases ? ==

Append those lines, save file and than use command:

'''source ./~bashrc'''

Your aliases are added to the system. Test them by typing 'bbb-compile-client' for example from anywhere in terminal.

Please edit the aliases list, so it would be easier for all of us to be on the same track.

