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OPS235 Lab 4 - Fedora17

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[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}}
= Storage Setup (prior to starting Lab 4) =
At this point, having completed [[OPS235 Lab 3|Lab 3]] you should have <u>roughly</u> the following disk storage setup:<br />
('''Note:''' These results are output from the '''vgs''', '''lvs''', and '''pvs''' commands within each virtual machine. You will be using these commands in the following lab investigations)<br /><br />
==Introduction==* '''fedora1'''
:* In this lab, you are going to learn how to create This VM has a GUI and format partitionsno free space in the VG. You will be creating partitions by using both graphical and command VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree vg_fedora1 1 2 0 wz--n- 9.80G 0 LV VG Attr LSize lv_root vg_fedora1 -wi-ao 8.83G lv_swap vg_fedora1 -wi-ao 992.00M PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree /dev/vda2 vg_fedora1 lvm2 a-line using LVM and other Linux utilities 9.80G 0
:* Also in this lab, you will learn how to manage (add, delete, modify) user accounts on your Fedora systems. You will also learn how to create and maintain groups to allow users to share and protect data.'''fedora2'''
This VM has a GUI and free space in the VG.
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vg_fedora2 1 3 0 wz--n- 14.80G 4.07G
LV VG Attr LSize
lv_home vg_fedora2 -wi-ao 1.95G
lv_root vg_fedora2 -wi-ao 7.81G
lv_swap vg_fedora2 -wi-ao 992.00M
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/vda2 vg_fedora2 lvm2 a- 14.80G 4.07G
==Objectives==* '''fedora3'''
This VM has no GUI installed. VG #PV #LV #Identify and define major entries in the <code>/etc/passwd</code>, <code>/etc/shadow</code>, and <code>/etc/group</code> filesSN Attr VSize VFree vg_fedora3 1 3 0 wz--n- 9.80G 3.83G LV VG Attr LSize #Learn about partitions, and how to add "virtual partitions with LVM lv_home vg_fedora3 -wi-ao 1.00G #Learn how to create a "virtual partition" in a Virtual Machine lv_root vg_fedora3 -wi-ao 4.00G #Learn how to add and remove and modify user accounts lv_swap vg_fedora3 -wi-ao 992.00M #Learn how to create and manage groups PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree /dev/vda2 vg_fedora3 lvm2 a- 9.80G 3.83G
* '''f17host (i.e. "disk pack")'''
==Required Materials Four PVs, minimum VG size 60G Single filesystem on vg_main/root, size 50G At least 10G available space in VG 20% of disk space unallocated to any partition (Bring to All Labsmin 15G)==
* '''Fedora 16 LIVE CD''' - You can burn this onto a CD-R in the Open Lab* '''Fedora 16 x_64 Installation DVD''' - You can burn this onto a DVD-R in the Open Lab = Logical Volume Management (or burn image onto a DVD+R if you are using the Freedom ToasterContinued).* '''SATA Hard Disk''' (in removable disk tray)* '''USB Memory Stick''' (minimum 64M)* '''Lab Logbook (Lab4 Reference Sheet)''' (to make notes and observations).=
{{Admon/note|Recovering VMs|'''Most of these investigations will take place in you virtual machines.''' If you make a significant mistake, your virtual machine may not boot. Remember that you created backups of your virtual machines in Lab 3, and you can '''restore them if something goes wrong'''.}}
==PrerequisitesResources ==
* Completion and Instructor "Sign-off" '''Please read this page to get an overview of Lab 3LVM: '''<br /><br />('''Note:''' It is recommended to return to this guide as a reference when performing the next several investigations).<br /><br />* [[OPS235 Lab 3Logical Volume Management]]
==Linux Investigation 1: How are LVMs are managed using Command Online Reference-Line Tools ==Each Link below displays online manpages for # You are going to repeat the same LVM management operations (as your did with the ''fedora2'' VM in '''lab3'''), but you will using command-line tools in the '''fedora 3''' VM. Since the fedora3 VM only operates in command-line mode, you will need to refer to the '''"Logical Volume Management"''' link above.# Write down the exact commands used at each step, and record appropriate command output:## Determine the current LVM configuration using the <code>pvs</code>, <code>vgs</code>, and <code>lvs</code> command.## Grow the home filesystem to 2G using the command <code>lvextend</code> and <code>resize2fs</code>.## Create a new 2G LV containing an ext4 filesystem and mount it at /archive (via [http:use <code>lvcreate</code>, <code>mkfs</code>, <code>mount</code>, edit the file <code>/etc/fstab</linuxmanpagescode>, and then reboot to confirm automatic mount).com## Copy the contents of <code>/ http:etc</code> into <code>/archive</linuxmanpagescode>.com]## Shrink <code>lv_archive</code> to 1G (use <code>umount</code>, <code>resize2fs</code>, <code>lvreduce</code>, and <code>mount</code>):
{|width="100%" cellpadding="5"|'''LVM Management Utilities:'''|'''User / Group Management:'''||- valign="top"|*[ vgs]*[ lvs]*[ pvs]*[ fdisk]*[ lvextend]*[ lvcreate]*[ pvcreate]*[ vgextend]*[ mount]*[ umount]|* [ /etc/passwd File]* [ /etc/skel File]* [ /etc/group File]*[ useradd]*[ userdel]*[ usermod]*[ groupadd]*[ groupdel]  |} ==Resources on the web==Additional links to tutorials and HOWTOs: :* [[Logical Volume Management]] :* [ Partitioning with fdisk]:* [ Mounting / Unmounting File-systems]:* [ UID and GID explained] = Creating / Formatting / Mounting Partitions = {{Admon/note|Do not Shut-Down VMs Until Instructed|You will be running all 3 VMs eventually when performing this tutorial, Leave all VMs running until you are instructed to shut them down at the end of this lab.|}} == Investigation 12: How to Add can a PV be added to an existing VG (Graphical Method) ? == '''Perform this investigation on the VM named ''<u>fedora1</u>''.''' In this investigation we will be adding Add an additional '''2 GB''' virtual disk to our your ''<u>'''fedora1'''</u>'' system, and use it as an additional physical volume...:'''# Start <code>'''virt-manager'''</code>.
# Shutdown ''fedora1'' if it is running.
# Open the console window for '''''fedora1'''''.# Select the menu option '''View'''>'''Details'''.# Click '''''Add Hardware''''' button at the bottom left-hand corner.# Make certain to remain in In the default section called ''Adding new virtual hardware'' window that appears, select a Hardware Type of ''"Storagestorage"'' and click ''"Forward"''.# Make the following selections in this certain option "StorageManaged or other existing storage" dialog box: [[Image:lab4_inv_1is selected.png|thumb|right|400px|Suggested settings in Click on the ''Browse'Storage'button, then click on '' dialog box to create a 'New Volume''.# Give the new virtual Hard Diskdisk file a name of <code>fedora1b</code>, a format of ''raw'.]] ::* Under '''Create , with a disk image on the Computer's Hard Drive'Max Capacity'', change the size to and '''2 GB'Allocation''of 2000 MB.::* Click on '''Select Managed or Other Existing Storage'Finish''. You can specify a file pathname for # Select the Hard Drive (refer to diagram). If no new virtual disk file pathname is provided, then the system will assign a name in the directory <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>''fedora1b.::* Select Device Type: img''and click 'Virtio Disk'Choose Volume''.::* # Select Storage Format: a device type of ''Virtio Disk'raw'.# Finish creating the new virtual disk by clicking ''::* Click Forward''and then 'FINISH'Finish'' to proceed<ol> <li value="8"># Boot the system. You should now have both <code>/dev/vda</code> and <code>/dev/vdb</code>.</li> <li># Record the size of the volume group and the amount of free space (Hint: use a command that you learned in a previous lab).</li> <li>Refer to the following tutorial to use the <code>fdisk</code> command: [ Partition/fdisk_partitioning.html Partitioning with fdisk]</li> <li>Use the <code>fdisk</code> command to create a primary partition for <code>/dev/vdb</code> with a single partition (number 1) that fills the whole disk.</li> <li># Check the messages printed when <code>fdisk</code> exits -- you may need to reboot the system in order for the new partition table to take effect.</li> <li># Run this command to format the physical volume: <code>pvcreate /dev/''vdb1''</code></li> <li># Add the new physical volume to the existing volume group: <code>vgextend ''nameOfVolumeGroup'' /dev/vdb1</code></li> <li># Verify that the volume group is larger and has more free space.</li></ol>  '''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''  == Investigation 2: How to Add a PV to an existing VG (Command Line Method) == '''The investigation relate to ''<u>fedora3</u>''. Although you are NOT required to issue the Linux commands, you are required to record them in your lab log-book.''' # You are going to only write in your Lab4 Log-book the Linux commands to perform the same operation that you did graphically in Investigation #1.# You are NOT required to issue these commands on your Fedora3 VM, and it will NOT work since there is no extra room on the VM to create a virtual hard disk# Make reference to the following command line resource for assistance: [[Logical Volume Management]]::*'''(Hint:''' First view section on '''Adding a Physical Volume'''. Also, write down the commands first and check prior to issuing them in sequence.)  '''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''  == Investigation 3: Manually Mounting / Unmounting Partitions == '''Perform this investigation on the VM named ''<u>fedora2</u>''.''' So far, we have simply assumed that when the Fedora OS boots-up, that its file-system is automatically available. In this investigation, you will learn how file-systems (or portions of file-systems) can be mounted or "connected" to existing file-systems. You will also learn how to unmount (or "disconnect") portions of file-systems from existing file-systems. # Boot-up your '''Fedora2''' VM.# Open a terminal and login as root.# Issue the command called '''mount''' . This command provides information relating to various partitions (logical volumes) and corresponding "mount points" (directories).# Record the information from issuing the <code>mount</code> command for both '''lv_root''' and '''lv_home'''. What commands would issue to quickly obtain this information?# Issue the command '''umount /archive'''. Did anything happen? Issue the '''mount''' command again. Is there any difference with the command output?# View the online man pages for the [ mount] command. Issue the <code>mount</code> command with arguments to "re-connect" the device '''/dev/mapper/vg_fedora2-lv_archive''' to the '''/archive''' directory (refer to the section '''Linux Command Online Reference''' above).
{{Admon/note|File-System Type Option No Longer Required for Mount CommandThink!|When viewing examples onlineThe next part of this investigation requires some research, thought, you may notice and creativity.}}'''Using that additional space, create a separate filesystem for <code>/home</code>:'''# Create the -t option is used with the mount command logical volume <code>lv_home</code> (1G ext4)# Find a way to indicate move the version or type contents of file-<code>/home</code> onto it.# Change your system to mount.configuration so that the new filesystem is mounted on <code>/home<br /code>'''The -t option is no longer required for the mount command''',|}}from now on.
<ol> <li value="7">Explain how {{Admon/tip|SELinux relabelling may be required|Your system may report that the files are not present in the new /home filesystem when they are clearly there. This is due to the ''mount'' command would be useful for Security-Enhanced Linux system administration.</li> <li>Unmount (SELinux) preventing access to the files, because the '''/archive''' files were tampered with (moved) and are no longer recognized as home directorycontent.</li> <li>Issue a command to verify You can fix this problem by restoring the file context labels so that he '''/archive''' SELinux accepts the files as valid home directory has been unmounted.content: <code>restorecon -r /li>home</olcode>}}
== Investigation 3: How can I use LVM to manage storage on my disk pack? =='''Answer On your <u>f17host</u> (i.e. "disk pack"), using your choice of the Investigation 3 observations GUI and/ questions in your lab log book.or command-line tools:'''# Create a new logical partition ('''NOT a logical volume!''') - minimum 5G, leaving at least 10G free space in the extended partition.# Add that partition as a PV into the existing VG (using the commands you used in the previous investigation).# Grow the root filesystem to fill the available space.
== Investigation 4: How Partitions are Automatically Mounted Upon Boot-up ==
'''Perform this investigation on the VM named ''<u>fedora2</u>''.'''
#Create a directory called '''/storage''' (i.e. ''storage'' is a subdirectory of the root directory)
#Check the man page for <code>/etc/fstab</code> by entering the command <code>man fstab</code>
#Edit your <code>/etc/fstab</code> file to mount the partition <code>/dev/mapper/vg_fedora2-lv_archive</code> to <code>'''/storage'''</code>
#Issue this command:
::<code>mount -a</code>
<li value="5">What does that command do?</li>
<li>Confirm that the partition mounted.</li>
<li>Issue a command to list the contents of '''/storage'''. Are there any files?
<li>Reboot the fedora2 VM, and verify that '''/storage''' has now been automatically mounted.</li>
<li>In the previous investigation, we mounted the directory as '''/archive''', but in this investigation we automatically mounted it as '''/storage'''. What purpose does could this server for a Linux system administrator?</li>
'''Answer the Investigation 4 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
= User/Group Management =
== Investigation 54: The /etc/passwd file == '''Perform this investigation on the VM named ''<u>f16host</u>''.'''
# Look at the /etc/passwd file.
# Make note of the contents of that file.
# Read about the file:
# Now look at the contents of the '''/etc/passwd''' file.# Make note of the contents of that file, and make certain and record in your lab log-book the sure you know what information that each field contains.
# Why do you think there are so many users?
# Look at the names of the users. What do you think these user names represent? Are they people?
# The user IDs of real users (people) are different from the user IDs of system accounts. What is the pattern?
'''Answer the Investigation 5 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''  == Investigation 65: Adding users ==
'''{{Admon/note|Use f17host|Perform this investigation on these steps in the VM named ''<u>f16host</u>''.f17host'''system. Due to a configuration issue, these steps may not work normally in the fedora1 virtual host (previous versions of this lab used fedora1 for this investigation).}}
# Read the man page for the '''useradd''' command.# Create a new user account for each of your pod-mates, using their learn account name as a user name. Give each user a password.# Use Grep the grep command to obtain information /etc/passwd file for each of the newly created new users within the '''/etc/passwd''' file.
#* What is the home directory of each user?
#* What group is each user in?
#* Grep the /etc/shadow file for each of the new users.
#* Make note of this information.
#* What is the purpose of the /etc/shadow file?
# Create two new dummy users, ops235_1 and ops235_2.
# Investigate the home directory of one of your new users.
#* What files are there? Be sure to include hidden files.
#* What do you think these files are used for <span class="plainlinks">?#* How does the operating system determine which files are created in a new home account? <br />The answer can be found here:
#* Look at the files (including hidden files) in the template directory referred to in the article. Compare them to what is in a home directory for a new user. What do you notice?
#* Create a new file in this directory with the following command: <code>touch foo</code>
#* Create a new user named foobar, with the option to automatically create a home directory.
#* Look at the contents of foobar's home directory. What do you notice?
# Be sure to record your observations in your lab notes.
<ol> <li value="7">Boot-up your {{Admon/note|Use fedora3|Perform these steps in the '''fedora3''' VMvirtual machine.</li>}} <li>Create a new user using # Add your '''Matrix''' matrix account user-name.</li> <li>Issue a command to verify that you have created this user account.</li></ol> '''Answer the Investigation 6 observations / questions in your lab log book.fedora3'''.
== Investigation 76: Managing Groups ==
{{Admon/note|Use fedora1|Perform these steps in the '''fedora1''' virtual machine.}}
# Read the man page for the '''groupadd''' and '''groupdel''' commands.
# Note which option allows you to set the Group ID number (GID) when you create a new group.
# Examine the file <code>/etc/group</code><ol type="a"><li>#* Which values of GID are reserved for system accounts?</li><li>#* Which values of GID are reserved for non-system user accounts?</li><li>#8 What is the lowest available GID number for non-system users?</li><li>#* What is the default group name of a new user?</li><li>#* Add a new group named <code>ops235</code> with a GID of <code>600</code>.</li><li>#* You are angry at some irresponsible users on your system. <ul><li>#** Add a new group named <code>idiots</code>.</li><li>#** Look at <code>/etc/group</code> and note the GID of idiots.</li><li>#** What GID is given to a new group if if you do not specify it?</li><li>#** Your anger has subsided. Delete the <code>idiots</code> group.</li><li>#** Look at <code>/etc/group</code> again and note the change.</li></ul></li></ol>
Be sure to record your observations in your lab notes.
'''Answer the Investigation 7 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''  == Investigation 87: Deleting users ==
{{Admon/note|Use fedora1|Perform these steps in the '''fedora1''' virtual machine.}}
# Read the man page for the '''userdel''' command. Note which option automatically removes the users home directory when that user is deleted.
# Delete the user ops235_1 using the command <code>userdel ops235_1</code>
# Delete the user <code>ops235_2</code> using the same command with the option which removes the home directory of the user.# Check the contents of the <code>/home</code> directory. What do you notice?# Check the contents of the <code>/etc/group</code> directoryfile. What do you notice?
'''Answer the Investigation 8 Be sure to record your observations / questions in your lab log booknotes.'''
== Investigation 8: Modifying users ==
== Investigation 9: Modifying users =={{Admon/note|Use fedora1|Perform these steps in the '''fedora1''' virtual machine.}}
# Read the man page for the usermod command. Note which options change the user's full name, primary group, supplementary groups, and shell.
'''Perform this investigation on the VM named ''<u>fedora1</u>''.''' # Read the man page for the '''usermod''' command. Note which options change the user's full name, primary group, supplementary groups, and shell.# Create a new user account for each of your pod-mates again, but this time for your <code>fedora1</code> VM, using their learn account name as a user name. Give each user a password.# Add each of your new pod mate accounts users to the group <code>ops235</code> (in other words, add ops235 to each user as a supplementary group).
# Examine <code>/etc/group</code>. What has changed?
# Experiment with your pod-mate accounts to share and deny access to same group members by creating directories and files, and use the <code>chmod</code> command. How is the <code>/etc/group</code> related to file sharing permissions?# Use the <code>usermod</code> command to associate each of your pod mates' full name to their user name, as shown in your text. With each change, examine their entries in the <code>/etc/passwd</code> file. What has changed?# Just for interest, how would you use a graphical utility to modify user account information?
# Be sure to record your observations in your lab notes.
'''Answer the Investigation 9 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
<!-- == Investigation 13: Security Tip: Removing Unnecessary Users and Groups ==
#* nscd (if not using nscd)
#* uucp -->
= Completing the lab =
Arrange proof of the following on the screen:
# Two PVs on '''fedora1'''.
# Separate <code>/home</code> filesystem (on an LV) in '''fedora1'''.
<!-- # Unnecessary accounts and groups have been removed on '''fedora1'''. -->
# Account created on '''fedora3''' matching your Matrix account.
# List contents of '''/etc/group''' file (ops235 group).# List contents of '''/etc/passwd''' file (created accounts).# Fresh backup of the virtual machines.
= Preparing for the Quizzes =
# What is a VG? PV? LV? # What is the total size of the "main" VG on your system?# How do you create a LV?# How do you delete an LV?# How would you add the disk partition <code>/dev/sdb7</code> to your volume group "main"?# How would you increase the size of the root filesystem by 50 MB?
# What is the purpose of <code>/etc/fstab</code>?
# What did you have to do in order to move is the home directories onto a new filesystem? Whypurpose of <code>/etc/shadow</code>?