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OPS235 Lab 2 - Fedora17

No change in size, 13:03, 24 January 2012
# '''Step 5 of 5:''' Review the options that you have selected. '''Make a note of the storage location.''' If anything needs to be changed, use the ''Back'' button to go back and edit it; otherwise, click '''Finish''' (refer to ''Step 5 of 5'' thumbnail above).
{{Admon/caution|Removing and Recreating VMs|Is If for some reason the user wants to remove a Virtual Machine, they can right-click the VM, and select delete in the Virtual Machine Manager. It is recommended to '''"delete the image file" in the remove VM dialog box when removing and then recreating a VM'''. Note: If you fail to properly remove the VM image file, it may affect the hard disk size for the new VM (i.e. use the old smaller size. Make certain to remove that VM image file prior to recreating the VM.|'''}}