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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

497 bytes added, 14:37, 11 January 2012
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== Instructions ==
# Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk''' in the drive tray.
# Set your computer's drive selector switch to external (also labelled #4) since we will be installing from DVD.
# Power up the computer and insert the '''Fedora 16 Installation DVD''' into the CD/DVD drive.
# Reboot Wait until the systemFedora DVD boots (could take a few moments){{Admon/important|Boot-up Issues|If for some reason, the Fedora16 Installation DVD does not boot, restart the computer, and press the function key F10 to specify the device to boot (eg. DVD drive). You will need to perform this technique to ensure that Fedora boots from the hard drive (in future labs).   If you have tried this technique, and the Fedora Installation DVD does not boot, you may have to reburn another Fedora Installation DVD.|}}  
# The boot process is completed when you see the GDM Login Screen. Click on "Automatic Login" to login as the "Live System User".
# We are going to start by opening a terminal window to access our shell environment. Click on Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal to start the terminal.