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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

220 bytes added, 11:48, 8 January 2012
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== Instructions ==
# Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk ''' in the drive tray.
# Set your computer's drive selector switch to external (since we will be booting from LIVE CD), then power up the computer.
# Insert the '''Fedora Live 16 LIVE CD ''' into the CD/DVD drive.
# Reboot the system.
# The boot process is completed when you see the GDM Login Screen. Click on "Automatic Login" to login as the "Live System User".
===Investigation 1 - How do you manually create hard disk partitions?===
# Enter the command <code>fdisk -l /dev/sda</code> and describe the output in your log book. The output may be similar to the following:
<li>Enter the command <code>fdisk -l /dev/sda</code> again, and view the partition table to confirm that the partitions were properly created.</li>
<li>Exit the fdisk prompt.</li>
<li>Proceed Close all applications, and shutdown the computer. Make certain to Investigation 2remove the Fedora 16 LIVE CD when prompted.</li>
{{Admon/note | Installation Time | The installation process will take about 15 minutes to complete when using DVD. Click the Reboot button on the screen to reboot the system after the installation is complete. There is a post installation setup after boot.}}
# Set your computer's drive selector switch to external (since we will be booting from LIVE CD), then power up the computer.
# Insert the Fedora 16 x86_64 Installation DVD into the DVD drive.
# Reboot the system.