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SQLite Xerial JDBC From Source

1,593 bytes added, 22:48, 26 January 2014
no edit summary
== Requirements ===== Windows ===* Install Cygwin from here[http:{{Admon//]obsolete}}
[[Category: NexJ_Express_SQLite]]== Steps Windows ===== Setup ===* Install Cygwin from here [], During the install, include these additional libraries:** make
** curl
** unzip
** mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core (Optional: win64 native library recompile)
* Install Mercurial HG, available here []
* Install Java SDK 1.5+, available here []
** Add java/bin to PATH
** On Command line, type java -version to check
* Install Maven 3.0.2+, available here []
** add maven/bin to PATH
** On Command line, type mvn -version to check
== Steps ==
* Clone the Xerial repo, type:
** ''hg clone sqlite-jdbc''
* Go into repo folder, type:
** ''cd sqlite-jdbc''
* Start the build, type:
** ''make''
* Retrieve the newly built, compiled and tested jar at:
** ''sqlite-jdbc/target/sqlite-jdbc-3.7.*.jar''
** Alternatively one is available here with the SOUNDEX option enabled []
== SQLite Addtions ==
* For a full list of compilation options see here []
* To add compilation options to sqlite:
** Edit ''Makefile'' in the repo root starting at Ln. 58
** Example: ''-DSQLITE_SOUNDEX=1 \''
== Result SQLite Extensions ==* Any dll loaded through xerial must match your systems current platform and architecture, eg: win-x64* To add extensions to sqlite at compile time: '''!!!HAS NOT WORKED YET!!!'''** Edit ''Makefile'' in the repo root starting and append ''-L./ -lyourDllName.dll'' at Ln.67* To add extensions to sqlite at cmd line:** ''select load_extension("yourQuotedDllName.dll");''** ''.load yourQuotedDllName.dll''* To add extensions through the NexJ framework: ** ''m_appender.appendSQL("select load_extension('yourQuotedDllName.dll')");''