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Firefox Performance Testing : A Python framework for Windows

18,375 bytes added, 14:22, 17 April 2013
Reverted edits by Saoagent (Talk) to last revision by Elichak
= Project Contributor(s) =
[[User:Bhearsum dwwoodsi| Ben HearsumDean Woodside]] (bhearsumdean)*Set up Submitted an sh file that automates the VM for tedious performance testing*Helped with the debugging process for, and [[User:Themystic | Tom Aratyn]] (mystic)*Introduced Closures in Pythonframework configuration
Alice Nodelman
*Discussed on the things that need to be fixed to improve and strengthen the framework
*Gave suggestions on the new Performance Testing framework
[[User:Bhearsum | Ben Hearsum]] (bhearsum)
*Set up the VM for performance testing
*Helped get me started with the debugging process for, and
[[User:Mylau | Michael Lau]] (mylau)
*Added comments on the documentation for setting up Performance Testing framework for Windows
*Tested the new and improved Performance Testing framework(version 1)*Gave constructive feedback on new documentation(version 1)
[[User:Eor | Eva Or]] (eor)
*Tested the new and improved Performance Testing framework(version 1)*Gave constructive feedback on new documentation(version 1)
[[User:djhamp-g | David Hamp Gonsalves ]] (inveigle)
*Gave pointers on flushing buffer
*Helped with some grammar and sentence structuring for documentation (version 1)*Tested and gave constructive feedback on the framework (version 1)*Looked into a batch file for automating configuration, gave pointers*Tested and commented on the new documentationframework (version 2) [[User: robcee | Rob Campbell]] (robcee)*Gave me a number of python tips :) [[User:Themystic | Tom Aratyn]] (mystic)*Introduced Closures in Python
[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]] (dean)
* Submitted an sh file that automates the tedious performance testing framework configuration
==In-Class Contributors==
==Improved Documentation==
[[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation | New Firefox Performance Testing Documentation]]
===First Attempt===
[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation | Performance Testing Setup Configuration Documentation]]
*[ Mozilla Quality Assurance Performance Testing]
Still in progress!<br />
While it's sizzling, try out the Firefox Performance Testing Framework (version 2) at [[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation#Quick_start| New Firefox Performance Testing Documentation Quick Start section]] - 3 easy steps
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*Python file used to execute the Firefox Performance Testing
*Some of the things it does:
** Validates files and directories needed for Performance Testing
** Displays informative messages to allow users to fix any invalidity in files or directories
** Displays an informative progress/status bar that informs users how far into the testing they are
*Things that Alice and I discussed are reflected in this file:
** Configuration checker
*** yaml file validator
*** validator
**** checking the paths for existance
***** notify user if path doesnt exist and ask user if they want it created
**** checking if the directories have contents
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top"></td>
<td valign="top">This script is used to automate the tedious Firefox Performance Testing Configuration
*Main Contributor
** [[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]] (dean)
*With this script:
** Configuration of python framework is eased
</td><td valign="top">[[]]</td></tr><tr><td valign=Extended "top">Progress Chartbar class</td><td valign="top">*Modified open source code to be used for this project*Displays a progress/status bar so users will know at which stage of the Performance Testing they are at (by percentage%, sort of)</td><td valign="top">[[]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top">*This is the file that contains all the paths that are needed for the Performance Testing*Fixed the paths and modified some documentation</td><td valign="top">[[]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Firefox Performance Testing Documentation (Version 1)</td><td valign="top">*This was the first documentation that was written to improve the documentation provided in the initialFirefox Performance Testing Framework (Refer to [[Readme.txt]])*It was deemed to be too elaborative and needed to be more concise*Needed work*Users didn't like the configuration steps they had to take** For more ranting:[[#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | DPS909 Student comments]]</td><td valign="top">[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation | Performance Testing Setup Configuration Documentation]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Firefox Performance Testing Documentation (Version 2)</td><td valign="top">*<b>To try Firefox Performance Testing out, go to this documentation</b>*This the new documentation that is improved with the [[#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments]]*Building a user base.. some comments on this NEW framework**[[New Firefox Performance Testing Framework comments]] <b>Goals achieved:</b>* Effective**Easy-to-use**Free from confusion**Informative and helpful*Efficient**Takes almost no time to set up the framework**Captures <b>most</b> user errors through validation and saves user time and frustration to fix an error while running the framework***Informs user of the directory/file invalidity or if they ran an invalid config file etc. Additional:*Users don't have to know the whole framework to configure it** Documentation helps*Users are not left staring at the console wondering what is happening when they run the Performance Tests** Progress bar and informative messages*Users don't have to waste hours/days/weeks debugging the code to find out why they are having problems configuring the framework** I spent 2 weeks configuring the <strike>bloody</strike> framework </td><td valign="top">[[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation | New Firefox Performance Testing Documentation]]</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">Status Documentation</td><td valign="top">*Here are the progress charts for this project*They are divided into 3:** Performance Testing Framework First Version** Performance Testing Framework Second Version** More details of things to fix for the framework </td><td valign="top">*[[Things to fix for Performance Testing Framework | More details of things to fix for Performance Testing Framework]]*[[#Extended_Progress_Chart_.28Version_2.29 | Version 2]]*[[#Progress_.28Version_1.29 | Version 1]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Firefox Performance Testing Framework Directory Structure</td><td valign="top">*Here is an overview of the Firefox Performance Testing Framework Directory Structure. *The directory structure is revised*There were too many extra libraries to load which caused too many dependencies*Directory structure was difficult to keep track due to redundant directories and extra libraries *All configuration is in one place!** config.yaml**** constants</td><td valign="top">[[#Directory_Structure_of_Framework| Performance Testing Framework Directory Structure]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Screen shots</td><td valign="top">*Here is a screen shot of the program when it is doing a performance testing: [[Image:Perftesting running.png | Firefox Performance Testing running]] </td><td valign="top">Not Applicable</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Next Steps</td><td valign="top">*Am I done? Not quite</td><td valign="top">[[#Next_Steps | Next Big Steps]]</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Reflections</td><td valign="top">*Some thoughts</td><td valign="top">[[#Reflections_on_the_project | Reflections]]</td></tr></table> ==Next Steps==
<table style="width:100%;" border="1px" valign="top" class="standard-table" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<th style="width: 15%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Task</th>
<th style="width: 2030%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Details</th>
<th style="width: 10%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Priority</th>
<th style="width: 15%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Contributors</th>
<th style="width: 20%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Status</th><tr><td valign="top">Porting framework to other OSes</td><td valign="top">* <b>What good is a performance testing framework if it only runs on Windows??</b>* This has been a pending task for awhile. * Since several students made a point that it should port to other OSes, I should look into that* Students who use OS X, Unix Oses etc. couldn't test this framework</td><td style="background-color: #990000; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;" valign="top">High</td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]</td><td valign="top"> <div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">0% completed</div></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Run both ts and tp at the same time</td><td valign="top">*Will have a discussion with Alice Nodelman in regards to this</td> <td style="background-color: #E9DA73; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;" valign="top">Medium</td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]</td><td valign="top"><div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">0% completed</div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">Create and execute new tests</td><td valign="top">*New test case(s) for performance*Will have a discussion with Alice Nodelman in regards to this</td><td style="background-color: #E9DA73; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;" valign="top">Medium</td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]</td><td valign="top"><div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">0% completed</div></td></tr> </table> ==Extended Progress Chart (Version 2)==<table style="width:100%;" border="1px" valign="top" class="standard-table" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0><th style="width: 15%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Task</th><th style="width: 30%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Details</th><th style="width: 10%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Priority</th><th style="width: 15%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Contributors</th><th style="width: 20%; background-color:#333333; color:#F3F3F3">Status</th>
<td valign="top">Read all student comments about framework and improve it</td>
<td valign="top">
* On Nov 29th, students of DPS909 contributed by testing the framework
* They have listed a constructive feedback and many great suggestions to help improve the setup of the framework
** [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | Student comments about framework]]
* Nevertheless, all the comments are really REALLY helpful to facilitate in improving this framework.
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">75100% completed</div>
<td valign="top">Improve Drill and narrow down the student comments to improve framework as per commented by the students</td>
<td valign="top">
*Improve framework as per suggested by the students: [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | Student comments about framework]]
*Only pick the important ones
*[[Things to fix for Performance Testing Framework | More details]]
<td style="background-color: #990000; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;" valign="top">High</td>
<td valign="top">
* Working on some of the comments that helps make the framework stronger and more robust
* Some tasks might be redundant. Nonetheless, I'm clear about what should be fixed
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">In progress</div>
<td valign="top">Fix [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation | Performance Testing Setup Configuration Documentation]] and framework configuration</td>
<td valign="top">
* From the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments about the framework]], I have gathered that the documentation have to be fixed as some parts are vague and some important areas are not highlighted.
* Some Items ([[Things to fix for Performance Testing Framework | More details]]):
** Make the ''Create extension_perf_reports directory''' part bold
*** Maybe ask the user if they want it to be generated if it doesn't exist (will be done in framework)
*** Should it be created from the sh script??
** '''config.yaml''' file
*** If user chooses to test with no preferences or extensions, should mention about commenting the lines beneath them.
** Additional details regarding Framework Prerequisites would reduce confusion.
*** Comment from student: There isn't any harm in "dumbing it down" a level.
*[[Things to fix for Performance Testing Framework | More details]]
<td style="background-color: #990000; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;" valign="top">High</td>
<td valign="top">
* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]
<td valign="top">
<b>New status</b>
[[New Firefox Performance Testing Documentation]]
<b>Older status</b>
Will start on this after drilling down the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments]]
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">In progress</div>
<td valign="top">Write batPre-requisites: Python, Cywin and .dll Installation Guidelines</td><td valign="top">* Order of installations* Cygwin**Students were confused as to whether they should keep the default [ Cygwin] setup/packages as the documentation didn't outline that.**They inquired which Cygwin packages are required* Concerns about where the .[ msvcp71.dll] file should be installed after it's downloaded * A few students got the error: ImportError: No module named win32pdh ** missed out install the Python Win32 Extensions - sh script handles it now* Now that the sh script handles the pre-requisite installation, are the following necessary?** Some files seem to automate have dependencies on another. Need to point whether some files have to be installed in order.** Some files have the configuration of same installation GUI, which makes it hard to track down which have been installed and which have not. Some screenshots may help.** For '''Cygwin''' installation, should note that default package setting is sufficient. Remove all doubts.</td><td style="background-color: #E9DA73; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;" valign="top">Medium</td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]</td><td valign="top">*All these issues are mitigated by the [[]] script.*This script automates all the tedious steps you have to go through to run your performance testing which was, unfortunately, loathed by users. (Based on [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments]])*See it for yourself! Try it out:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation[[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation#Framework_Prerequisites Quick_start| preNew Firefox Performance Testing Documentation Quick Start section]]*I'm also gathering user feedback: [[New Firefox Performance Testing Framework comments]]<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">100% done</div></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Configuring Environment Specifications in documentation</td><td valign="top"><b>BASE_PROFILE_DIR</b>* No instructions on what exactly to place in the Hostperm.1 file.* Hostperm.1 file is autogenerated and warns against editing it.* Mention how to modify the Hostperm.1 file.</td><td style="background-color: #E9DA73; text-align: center; font-requisitesweight: bold; color: #333333;" valign="top">Medium</td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]</td><td valign="top">I have nothing to work with besides the [[Readme.txt | README.TXT]]file by Annie Sullivan. Therefore, I have to consult Alice Nodelman in this area.<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">In progress</div></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">Automate environment configuration</td>
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
* [[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]] (dean)
** Submitted sh script
* [[User:djhamp-g | David Hamp-Gonsalves]] (inveigle)
** Looked into this, gave pointers
<td valign="top">
* [[User:elichak |Liz Chak]] will fix up the sh script
**Doesn't make a reports folder (should this be in the sh script??)
**Still runs the whole script even if it couldn't download the pre-requisites, should terminate
**Missed out the file
**Proper documentation
<div style="width:100%;background-colorFiles:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">75% completed</div></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Fix *[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows_Documentation | Performance Testing Setup Configuration]]</td><td valign="top">- Source code* From the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_http:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments about the framework]], I have gathered that the documentation have to be fixed as some parts are vague and some important areas are not highlighted//www.yorku. <ca/abel/td><td style="background-color: #990000; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff;" valign="top">High<liz/td><td valign="top">* [[User:elichak|Liz Chak]]<mozilla/td><td valign="top">Will start on this after drilling down the [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments] Actual Script to configure Firefox Performance Testing Framework]<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">0100% completed</div>
<td valign="top">Porting framework to other OSes</td>
==Progress(Version 1)==
<table style="width:100%;" border="1px" valign="top" class="standard-table" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<td valign="top">
<b>Newer status</b>
The DPS909 class tested the documentation and framework out.
*Needed rework
<b>Older status</b>
*Improving the current documentation so that it's easier to follow
*Making sure that all the configuration documents are in one place
*This is done along with the code base work I'm doing
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3;position:relative;margin-bottom:0px;">90100% completed - Needs to be reviewed and tested out</div>
*I have fixed the program to check for the existence of the base_profile dir and it also checks if the bookmarkbackups, Cache dirs and perf.js dir exist.
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#F3F3F3">95100% completed</div>
80100% completed - needs to be reviewed</div>
*Scroll down and look for dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows
*Double click on it to set it to true
=Directory Structure of Framework=
==Overview of Structure==
A glance at the Framework File Structure (CVS files not included):
|__ base_profile (dir)
| |
| |__ bookmarkbackups (dir)
| | |
| | |__ .html files
| |
| |__ Cache (dir)
| |
| |__ .bak, .html, .ini, .dat, .txt, .js, .rdf, .mfl files
|__ page_load_test(dir)
| |
| |__ base(dir)
| | |
| | |__ other dirs and .html files
| |
| |__ cycler.html & report.html
|__ startup_test
| |
| |__ startup_test.html
|__ extension_perf_reports (dir for generated reports)
|__,, config.yaml and other .py, .html files
*NOTE: Content in '''base_profile''' dir may vary
The following is written by Annie Sullivan (
*This directory contains the base profile used for testing.
*A copy of this profile is made for each testing profile, and extensions or prefs are added according to the test_configs array in
*For the page load test to run correctly, the hostperm.1 file must be set to allow scheme:file uris to open in new windows, and the pref to force a window to open in a tab must not be set.
*The dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows pref should also be set to true. The pref should be set to false.
*This directory contains the JavaScript files and html data files for the page load test.
*The page load test opens a new window and cycles through loading each html file, timing each load.
*This directory contains the JavaScript to run the startup test.
*It measures how long it takes Firefox to start up.
*This directory is where the generated report will go into.
*You may specify another directory to substitute this directory, but make sure that the '''''' is changed to point to it.,
*These files should be configured to run the test on different machines, with different extensions or preferences. See setup above.
= Project News =
==Tuesday, 21 Nov 2006==
Refer to progress chart.
[[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#ProgressProgress_.28Version_1.29| Performance Testing Framework progress chart]]
==Wednesday, 29 Nov 2006==
**Missed out the file
**Requires touch ups, but everything else is good
==Sunday, 10 Dec 2006==
* Narrowing down the things that need to be done before 13 December 2006
* Refer to [[#Extended_Progress_Chart_.28Version_2.29 | Extended Progress Chart]]
==Wednesday, 13 Dec 2006==
* Created a [[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation | new documentation]]
* Finished my parts for the Performance Testing Framework
** Refer to [[Firefox_Performance_Testing_:_A_Python_framework_for_Windows#Submission | submission]]
The current Firefox Performance Testing Framework is effective and efficient.
*<b>To try Firefox Performance Testing out, go to this documentation</b>
*This the new documentation that is improved with the [[#Comments_on_the_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Framework | student comments]]
*Building a user base.. some comments on this NEW framework
**[[New Firefox Performance Testing Framework comments]]
<b>Goals achieved:</b>
* Effective
**Free from confusion
**Informative and helpful
**Takes almost no time to set up the framework
**Captures <b>most</b> user errors through validation and saves user time and frustration to fix an error while running the framework
***Informs user of the directory/file invalidity or if they ran an invalid config file etc.
Things To-do (Immediately)
*Clean up this page - almost done
*Document source - almost done
*Fix up the [[New_Firefox_Performance_Testing_Documentation | Performance Testing Documentation]]
=Project References=
* [[davey_girl_comments| Erin Davey]]
* [[dwwoodsi perf comments| Dean Woodside]]
==Reflections on the project==
Now that the first phase of the project is done, I would like to sit back and reflect on some of the experiences I have had with this project. Not only did this project grow, I have been growing with it. I've learned endless amount of things by working on this project (not just technical stuff). And as the saying goes, "you only learn from experience"!
===Configuration frustration===
Words can't express how I was initially frustrated with the framework. I hit brick walls a countless number of times when I tried to set the framework up and running and I was on the verge of giving up. It was only through my own perseverance and determination that I got this to work.
Outcome: A list of things to fix on the framework to ease the configuration, strengthen the framework and better documentation!!
===First deliverable===
I asked the class to test my first deliverable. I had faith that my framework would bring delight to my testers, but I was proven otherwise. Even with the effort that I've put into my first deliverable, it still created a group of frustrated and agonized users. Many of them ranted on what could be improved on the framework, hence:
Outcome: A list of things to automate the framework and EASE THE CONFIGURATION
===Final deliverable===
I'm glad that my first tester was thrilled about my Performance Testing. There is nothing better than a happy user. What I've learned is that TESTING is the KEY to a successful application. Why do so many of us developers neglect that??
[[User:dwwoodsi|Dean Woodside]], Alice Nodelman, [[User:Bhearsum | Ben Hearsum]], [[User:Mylau | Michael Lau]], [[User:Eor | Eva Or]], [[User:djhamp-g | David Hamp Gonsalves ]], [[User:David.humphrey|Dave Humphrey]], [[User:robcee|Rob Campbell]] and of course, the DPS909 class who tested my framework. These are the individuals who played a significant part in making this framework headed toward success!
==Bon Echo Community Test Day==