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5,948 bytes added, 00:16, 12 December 2011
Final Draft
* social media allows us to avoid face to face contact
[ Statistics of facebook Obsession]
== Prioritized Note Record ==
1. The Theory of Social Validation || [ Click Here] || Gerald ||
This article from Baraki Akil II is basically what we are trying to prove. According to him and other’s statements it is not only being done through social networking but in our everyday life. An example from this article refers to Michael Jordan as how he wanted to demonstrate his skills to other great players. This need for acknowledgement fueled him to be the best through his college and NBA years.|| Deductive
2. Facebook: Threats to Privacy || [ Click Here] || William ||
This research defines the potential hazards of privacy issues in regards to Facebook. With the many fine prints of Facebook, we should tend to wonder why Facebook is such a popular hit amongst the social networking phenomenon. Some potential answers are found in the article such as Information spreads faster through a Social Network Sites than through a real-life network but harms the users when information goes to the wrong people. While there are statistics showing surveys done within a school and the collection of data it provides proves worthy in our thesis. There are also results such as amount of user that tends to read privacy concerns.|| Deductive
3. CIPPIC Vs Facebook || [ Click Here] || William ||
This article is a PIPEDA case study amongst the CIPPIC against the Facebook. This goes in depth of the possible solution and the out comings of Facebook and its controversial privacy issues and data sharing.
This also shows that a lot of users do not take the time to read and understand the user agreements for all the social networking. They only think of the outer layer in which to keep in contact with friends. But overall they are leaking out information about one’s self and could cause identity thefts. Users are tends to click on the check box then to rather read the full text inside the text box.
|| Deductive
4. Teens Are Wired …And, Yes, It’s OK || [ Click Here] || Gerald ||
This article basically shows how teenagers are very quick at adapting to new technology without worrying about the consequences. It also states that teens have a biological need to separate from their parents and the online world is a good way to do it. Teenagers do not really think about privacy and tends to post anything online. They post events, pictures and feeling for everyone to see, while back in the days a secret diary was kept. Teens do not realize that once they hit “send” they are broadcasting their message to thousands of people. A study from Pew Study mentioned that 50% of teens have replied back to strangers. Similarly technology allows teen to get validation from any weird or antisocial attitude or belief they might have. Furthermore parents wants to help their kids but they do not know how to do it, and if they do they are not comfortable spying on their kids. For some online bullying is the same as bullying when no computers existed. || Deductive
5. Monitor Facebook use by Teens || [ Click Here] || Gerald ||
This article demonstrate how Facebook can have an impact on teenagers. Dr. Bruce Ballon mentioned that if an individual is attached to Facebook strongly enough, it can change their mood. It all depends on the individual and their interaction with the social networking tool. This source can be very interesting for our research as it will show how people who are emotionally involve will go too far to try to be accepted. || Abductive
6. How Teens Use Media || [ Click Here] || Jeremy ||
This article outlines how teens are relatively similar to adults, when it comes to media statistics, and how they use the internet even less then the average adult. Although there are many myths that view teens as different complete entities from the rest of the world, they are just as much humans as the rest of us are. Teens have the same general interest as adults; American Idol is the most popular tv show among teens, as well as adults. Although this research has plenty validation and research of it’s own to back it up, some of the research seems to miss what we are looking at. Yes, the average teen may use the internet less then the average adult, but teens to young adults make up the majority of the population that use social media sites such as facebook and twitter. We are looking at the validity of social pressures on people, and younger people take more actions to do something about these pressures then older people. || Deductive
7. Facebook Me: Collective self-esteem || [ Click Here] || Brock ||
This paper delves into the idea that we need facebook to increase our self-esteem in this day and age. It touches on the "need to belong" which is a fundamental human motivation. Social networking sites create a place for us to "belong" and communicate with each other, which is part of the reason why they are so popular. The article also speaks about Social networking sites. They are very interesting in that they rely solely on users creating content and viewing other peoples content. When you are not on a social networking site you will not be viewed as part of the collective.
==Projects Proposals==
= Final Draft =
[ BTH740 Team LoL Final Draft]