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RSS - OOP344 20113

2,120 bytes added, 04:08, 7 December 2011
no edit summary
= RSS - OOP344 20113 =
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: 4050% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 6050% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* Repo ID: [svn:// oop344_113rep6]
=== Trunk Status ===
 * Committed/Committing By: to Trunk*: ID: [ emailidmdafidchao]*: Name: full nameMichael Afidchao*: IRC Nick: mynickmdafidchao*: Other Info:12/07/2011 @ 03:05 am
== Team Members ==
|[[User:mdafidchao | Michael]]|| Afidchao || B || [ mdafidchao] || [[Special:Contributions/mdafidchao | mdafidchao]] || mdafidchao, KyperTrast || [ Michael's Seneca Blog]
|[[User:sganouts | Sezar]]|| Gantous || C || [ sganouts] || [[Special:Contributions/sganouts | sganouts]] || NULLbyte|| [ The blog]|-|[[User:salopezmunoz|Santiago]]|| Munoz || C || [ salopezmunoz] || [[Special:Contributions/salopezmunoz| salopezmunoz]] || Kain-18|| [ Santiago's Blog ]|-|[[User:risaula |Roberto]]|| Isaula || C || [ risaula] || [[Special:Contributions/risaula | risaula]] || robertoisaula|| [ Roberto Isaula's blog ]
== Tasks ==
=== Logs and Wiki ===
* manage the team wiki page/meeting logs
* being done by Ivan/Michael
* Ongoing
=== R0.6 ===
==== Preparation & Mock-up Classes ====
* create mock-up classes with empty functions to start with
* being done by Ivan
==== CCheckList ====
* first iteration of the class
* being done by Ivan
==== CMenu ====
* first iteration of the class
* being done by Michael
==== CText ====
* create CText class that able to edit multiline text, using [svn:// Text class]
* being done by Sezar, Santiago, Roberto
* assisted by Ivan, Michael
=== R0.3 ===
==== Mockup Classes ====
* create mockup classes with empty functions to start with
* being done by Ivan
==== CCheckMark ====
* first iteration of the class
* being done by Ivan
==== CMenuItem ====
* first iteration of the class
* being done by Michael
==== CValEdit, CButton ====
* first iteration of the class
* being done by Sezar, Santiago, Roberto
=== Task name ===
* task description
* being done by team member name / not assigned
* status
== Meetings ==
* latest will be on top
[[ IRC Logs 20113 - OOP344 | All IRC meeting logs]]-->=== topicR0.3 === [[RSS_oop344-20113_IRClog_nov20 | Novmeber 20, 2011 - Trouble with CValEdit]] [[RSS_oop344-20113_IRClog_nov9 | November 9, date 2011 - R0.3 tasks discussion]] === Console 2.0 === [[RSS_oop344-20113_IRClog_oct12 | October 12, 2011 - Deciding which Console 2.0 will be used]]<!--
[[Irc logs of RSS meeting - oop344 20113 | date]]