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GAM666/DPS901 iSquared

3,044 bytes added, 19:25, 20 October 2011
Instructor's Comments
{{GAM666/DPS901 Index | 20113}}= Game: '''Goose Hunt 3D''' === Project Marking Percentage = iSquared =<br /big> Group work: 50% Individual work: 50% + = Goose Hunt 3D = ------------------------- Total 100%</big>
== Repository ==
=== '''Repo ID: svn:// ==='''  === Trunk Status: ===<br />
'''Trunk Status:'''
<br />
== Proposal ==
We will be making a first person shooter, it essentially this game will basically be a 3D remake of the classic game Duck Huntfor the NES. <br />The purpose of the game is to hunt down and shoot the geese flying Geese in X amount of time (will be tuned as we see fit.) and with X number of bullets(also subject to tuning). <br />Once they have been shot they will fall turn into coins that float to the ground and turn into coins, which the player will then have to collect for points. <br /><br />'''As You Progress Through The Levels:'''* The Geese will become more erratic and harder to shoot, also faster.<br /> == Map == {| class="tb1" border="0" width="700px"|-| [[Image:topview.png]] || The outskirts of the map are created so as to have a place to create the geese where the player won't just see them appear. The hunting grounds will have walls going up very high made out of brick or something of that sort. We will add an artificial sky above. Where the geese come out of is a random flight pattern and as gate like object that will open, release the geese, then close again.|-| [[Image:Playing.png]] || This is an example of what the levels go on user will see when playing the harder it game. There will also be a [http:// gun] that you'll be holding that you'll see in a way that's standard to shoot themmost fps.|} 
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== Map Controls ==The game controls will follow the normal first person shooter spec.<br />'''W:''' Forwards<br />'''S:''' Backwards<br />'''A:''' Strafe Left<br />'''D:''' Strafe Right<br />'''Mouse:''' Camera<br />'''Mouse 1:''' Fire<br />
== Challenges ==
* Animations and Models.
* Accurate Collision.
* Fast paced and fun game-play that stays true to its roots.
<br />
 == Instructors Instructor's Comments ==* definition and allocation of tasks - maintain as low coupling as possible:'''Tasks:'''::- Design::- GUI::- Collision::- Duck Movement and AI::- Gun Tracers::- Menus::- ?::- Pure Awesomeness * sound effects:'''TBD after game "framework" is complete.''' * lighting considerations - spotlights and triangles:'''No spotlights.''' * discuss collision - sphere and axis-aligned:'''Sphere aligned collision to start, once we have the basic "framework" of the game down pat we can add complex things like advanced collision.''':'''Bullets will be done as a trace (tracer for the projectile, no actual projectile seen or modelled)''' * modelling work - what kind of models - importing?:'''Basic cube models until the game "framework" is complete.''' * what kind of animation - may encounter difficulties in incorporating - needs to be thought through:'''Animation needs to be thought out?''' * heads up display details:'''We will have to make mock-ups (I would like to do this - Noah)''' == Previous comments ==* need your grade breakdown - group - individual '''--> (done)'''* no meeting scheduled as yet '''--> (will email group)'''* no map '''--> (done draft)'''* I can only assume that you know what you are doing and don't need any guidance '''--> (we already met and planned this as a group)'''* nothing on the repository yet '''--> (added basic repo structure, and uploaded framework/resources to trunk)'''