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Console UI Core Classes - OOP344 20113

1,254 bytes added, 07:47, 11 October 2011
Releases and Due Dates
=Releases and Due Dates=
===To Do===
# Checkout your repository using userids and passwords received through your email
# Create a direcotry in branches under your seneca email id '''''(NOT YOUR WHOLE EMAIL ADDRESS, ONLY THE ID) '''''
#: From now on, this directory will be called '''Your Workspace'''
# In '''your workspace''' create a direcotry called console2.0 and add the files you submitted for your console2.0 assignment to it.
# '''''add''''' all the newly created directories and their files to svn
# '''''commit''''' the repository with the message (comment) ''"Initial branch creation"''
# Browse your codes as a group and add choose the best '''edit()''' and '''display''' from it and add it to console.cpp in trunk
#* Any of the group members can do this, but it would be nice if you do this when everyone is present
#* Compile and make sure '''Test1Frame.cpp''' works properly
#* After fixing possible bugs recompile and make sure everything is ok
# '''''tag''''' the trunk under R0.1 in '''''tags''''' directory
===Due Date===
Wednesday Oct 12th, 23:59
To prepare and learn how to contribute and also gain mark for your next release do the following exercise.
====Learning how to branch and merge====
to be continued...