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My Applied Research Log

5,298 bytes added, 20:58, 26 January 2014
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{{Admon/obsolete}} == [[Common Problems and Solutions]] == == [[NexJ-CDOT Knowledge Base]] == == January - March 2012 ==* continuous construction of the NexJ-CDOT knowledge base* contributions to the SQLite open source community (NexJ SQLite Adapter)* contributions to the PostgreSQL open source community (NexJ PostgreSQL Adapter)*February - March**Web/Ex meeting with NexJ (3/13/2012)** identification of '''research problems being solved'''*** ICU ('''International Components Unicode''') support by SQLite []*** NexJ extension of SQLite to support full text search []**** the '''rank''' function for the Windows and Linux platforms*** the full text search problem**** Android Quick Tip: Using SQLite FTS Tables (September 30, 2011) []**** Android SQLite Database and ContentProvider - Tutorial (Lars Vogel, 2012) []**** Search with InnoDB By Bertrand Matthelié (Oracle's MySQL Blog, Nov 09, 2011) []**** Natural Language Full-Text Searches (MySQL) []**** Is Full Text search the answer? (stackoverflow 2009) []** identification of '''inter-related issues''' (code repository)*** 79, 80 (open)**** create top-lovel makefile*** 75 (open), 77**** the NexJ Framework expects SQLite to support UNICODE collations*** 84, 85 (open)**** add build steps (the Linux command line compile options, Windows) to the project makefile under the compile label*** 82, 83**** append extensions to SQLite Library (sqlite.c): [[notes - 82, 83 |notes]]*** 76**** SQLiteDataSourceWrapper: logic to identify the current os and architecture for loading the appropriate extension*** 65, 64, 61, 60, 59, 49 **** NexJ extension of SQLite to suppport the rank function in FTS (full text search)*** 1** code inspection** installation of NexJ Studio Express 8.0 with Eclipse SDK 3.7.1*** [[NexJ Studio Express 8.0 - Problems|problems encountered]]*** solution: Use Eclipse SDK 3.7 (instead of 3.7.1) [] [] [] []*January**code inspection (reverse engineering)*** 20 Dec. 2011, 21 Dec. 2011, 4 January, 5 January, 10 January, 12 January == September - December 2011 ==*November** team meetings on Mondays** WebEx meetings with NexJ (11/11, 11/18, 11/25)** continuous construction of the NexJ-CDOT knowledge base* October** team meetings on Mondays** Quality Assurance*** checked out the source code of the SQLite Adapter*** [[Common Problems and Solutions|upgrade problems encountered ]]** Search for an application to demonstrate the usefulness of the CDOT projects related to the NexJ Express server []** Research Reading*** '''Scrum in Action: Agile Software Project Management and Development''' by Andrew Pham and Phuong-Van Pham (Cengage Learning, 2012).*** '''A practical guide to distributed Scrum''' by Elizabeth Woodward, Steffan Surdek, Matthew Ganis (IBM Press, 2010). * September** team meetings at CDOT** MTOM project meeting at NexJ Systems scheduled on 9/23** Read the MTOM (SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) specification. []** '''Project Change: MTOM to SQLite Adapter (9/16).'''** SQLite Adapter project meeting at NexJ Systems (9/23)** Research Reading*** '''Using SQLite by Jay A. Kreibich, O'Reilly 2010'''.*** '''SQLite Tutorial by Mike Chirico (2004)''' []*** '''Android SQLite Database - Tutorial by Lars Vogel (2011)''' []** Continue with the '''[[ Applied Research Notes (July-August 2011)|Knowledge Base project ]] ''' (initiated in July 2011).*** data analysis of the interview with Brian Lim == July - August 2011 ==*[[Applied Research Notes (July-August 2011)]]* Research Tasks** Inspect the code base of NexJ Express*** the Persistence engine*** the Integration engine** the tree optimization problem (JSON Integration Adapter)* Events** 7/10/2011 I checked out the code base (revision 540) of NexJ Express from OHT with MercurialEclipse. JAVA_HOME must be set to JDK 1.5, not 1.6. The revised version "Working with NexJ Express Source Code" (2011-3-15) must be used.** 7/25/2011 Regarding the JSON Integration Adapter project, I checked out the code base from Brian Lim's mercurial code repository. I ran two JUnit tests and one of them had caused [[JUnit Stack Trace |some errors]]. Later the problem was fixed by Brian.** team meetings == June 9, 2011 ==* The 1st NexJ Academic Research User Group Meeting []** [[List of Potential Project Ideas for NexJ Express | NexJ Project Ideas]] == January - April 2011 ===== Week 1/January2011===
'''1/12/2011 (Wed)'''
*NexJ project team meeting
*[[PostgreSQL Adapter-nexj/research_notes_PostgreAdapter| Research Notes on the SQLAdapter class ]]
=== Week 2===
'''1/18/2011 (Tue)'''
*[[Summary of Code Walkthrough by Grace]] <br>
** build errors encountered
=== Week 3===
'''1/24/2011 (Mon)'''
* ran the JUnit test PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest on my laptop (vs the CDOT desktop)
* met with Grace to understand how he has used JUnit tests to guide his research and coding process
=== Week 4 ===
'''2/09/2011 (Mon)'''
* met with Jordan and Dawn to discuss about two projects that have been approved by NexJ
* reviewed NexJ Developer's Guide (coding standard)
=== Week 5/February ===
'''2/07/2011 (Mon)'''
* posted [[Summary_of_JUnit_errors_2/07/2011| the summary]] of JUnit errors on PostgreSQLAdatperTest
** work with Tung
=== Week 6 ===
'''2/16/2011 (Wed)'''
* code review of PostgreSQLSchemaManager: 1st iteration
* Vogella's tutorial on GWT []
=== Week 7 ===
2/23/2011 (Wed)
*code review of PostgreSQLSchemaManager (revision 45) : 2nd iteration
** work with Tung: a list of problems encountered
=== Week 9/March ===
'''3/08/2011 (Tue)'''
* 2 JUnit errors encountered on running revision 76 on my laptop
* draft Applied Research Summary on the PostgreSQLAdapter project
=== Week 10 ===
'''3/16/2011 (Wed)'''
* team meeting
* downloaded NexJ Studio Express (v 7.1) from Open Health Tools and tried to install it on my laptop
=== Week 11 ===
'''3/23/2011 (Wed)'''
* team meeting
* released Applied Research Findings []
=== Week 12/April ===
* April 13 - student presentations for OCE Connections
* '''April 20 - project-end meeting with NexJ and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)'''
* Tung delivered visual guides and videos.[]
* Tung delivered the GWT application.
== June 9, 2011 ==
* The 1st NexJ Academic Research User Group Meeting []
== [[Common Problems and Solutions]] ==