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Why Follow Computer Lab Policies and Procedures?

89 bytes added, 09:54, 24 June 2011
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<td>Whenever possible, customized programs (called "Bash Shell Scripts") can be written to relieve the burden of rucurring and repetive tasks for both the administrator and instructor/user.<br /><br/>Here are a couple of examples of programs already written for the Westminster Computer Lab:<ul><li>'''Acceptable Use Policy Dialog Box''' upon user account login</li><li>'''Grab Work from workstation accounts'''</li></ul><br />'''NOTE: Failure for instructors / users to follow the <u>correct procedures</u> can result in the incorrect operation of these automated programs'''. For example, if students over-ride the default directories where their documents are saved, then those applications (Like Grab Work) will not work correctly, and make more work the for administrate to "clean-up".</td>
<tr valign="top"> <td>'''Positive Training<br />Feedback Loop'''</td> <td></td></tr>