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Why Follow Computer Lab Policies and Procedures?

13 bytes added, 09:48, 24 June 2011
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<td>An online resource has been created for the Westminster congregation and the Orangeville community to provide comprehensive training on how to use the computer lab. '''All instructors are required to take an initial AVIT training session that, in addition to other topics, direct the user to this resource in order to follow proper computer usage.''' It is important to understand that while this lab develops, and <u>training resources are limited</u>, users will need to use this resources to become a self-directed learner - in other words - "learn how to learn"...<br /><br />'''Here is a link to this online resource:''' []<br /><br />Online users can use this resource to "book an initial training session" with AVIT from the comfort of their own home...<br /><br /></td>
<td>'''Automation<br />(Customized Programs)'''</td>
<td>Whenever possible, customized programs (called "Bash Shell Scripts") can be written to relieve the burden of rucurring and repetive tasks for both the administrator and instructor/user.<br /><br/>Here are a couple of examples of programs already written for the Westminster Computer Lab:<ul><li>'''Acceptable Use Policy Dialog Box''' upon Login</li><li>'''Grab Work from workstation accounts'''</li></ul><br /><br />NOTE: Failure for instructors / users to follow the correct procedures can result in the incorrect operation of these automated programs. For example, if students over-ride the default directories where their documents are saved, then those applications (Like Grab Work) will not work correctly, and make more work the for administrate to "clean-up".</td>