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Repo Compose and Release
* ==== Repo Closure====** Run 'depcheck' to ensure no broken dependencies that can be resolved.*** Fix any issues
* ==== Compose====**Run 'mash' to create a repository
mash -o /mnt/koji/mash/beta/f13-arm-2011-05-06 f13-arm
* ==== Sign Packages====** Temporarily done with 'rpm --addsign'. This is done on Hong Kong using Paul's account. Pass phrase is the old root password. You will need to enter the pass phrase about five times as the packages are signed.
ls *.rpm | xargs rpm --addsign
* After packages are signed, you must run createrepo again to include the new metadata.
* ==== Create new root filesystem====** Done on the OpenRD using mkrootfs-f13 ( script packaged for rootfs creation, installed on openRD )*** edit rootfs adding in correct URL for yum pointing to the latest compose* ==== Release====
** Email to ARM mailing list
** Blogpost including links
** Wiki page for the release highlighting changes, notes