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Continuous Integration

125 bytes added, 20:29, 26 January 2014
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<big><big> Continuous Integration Project for NexJ Express Code</big></big>
{{NexJ_Express Index}}
==Project goal==
Currently, NexJ has a Mercurial Repository (Internal) in which, the NexJ Express Server (Core) code is maintained with all its histories. NexJ is planning to share a Core Repository with the Open Source Community by creating a Repository (External) that will be kept in sync with the Internal Repository.<br/> === Contributors ===* [[Minooz/Projects | Minoo Ziaei]]- * [[Project proposal httpsUser://|Grace Batumbya]
== Current Status: ==<big><big>Project Completed==</big></big>
==Project Phases==
* Get requirements from NexJ
* Incorporate requirements from NexJ into Design of algorithm for syncing repositories
* Provide the proposal for review and approved - [[Continuous_Integration/proposal | final version of proposal]] , [ Google Doc ]
===Phase 2: Creating Similar Environment (Done) ===