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= Title =
On all machines involved we need to install the func package, (works on FC7 and above, NOARCH). Since we know CDOT has host files established for our environment with only 3 machines we simply add the machines to the /etc/hosts file. the three machines are names, certmaster, certminion1 and certminion2 respectively.
On the typical VMware environment the minion config file (/etc/certmaster/minion.conf) looks like this
certmaster = certmaster<br/>
log_level = DEBUG<br/>
cert_dir = /etc/pki/certmaster<br/>
However; we had to make slight modifications for our deployment on ARM<br/><br/>
When transitioning to the ARM build environment, there were a few challenges we had to overcome.
* Since the ARM arch is relatively new to Fedora , we need to check if it has been successfully build built and if we can get it from the YUM repo, or are we going to have to build from source
* It seems to me like ARM Fedora has some incompatibilities with hardware calls made by func, this is effecting the functionality of some of the modules used in func.
= Results =
<!In all of our tests on the ARM machines we successfully deployed func0-25 and it is a functioning state. However; func0-27 is release for the main fedora distribution. What we did for our final release is built the func0- Results 27 package for ARM, and we will be installing it to see if some of the scripts have been update to take into account the ARM architecture. As well, we will continue to iron out any errors with modules or packages. Here is an example of how we may use func to monitor and control the ARM machines in CDOT and the basic syntax for func commands as well as its successful output.   '''[EXCERPT OF COMMAND]'''<br/ >{'certminion': [['PID', 'TTY', 'STAT', 'TIME', 'COMMAND'], ['1', '?', 'Ss', '0.:01', '/sbin/init'], ['2', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[kthreadd]'], ['3 status of the project ', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[migration/0]'], ['4', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[ksoftirqd/0]'], ['5', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[watchdog/0]'], ['6', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[events/0]'], ['7', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[cpuset]'], ['8', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[khelper]'], ['9', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[netns]'], ['10', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[async/mgr]'], ['11', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[pm]'], ['12', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[sync_supers]'], ['13', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[bdi-->default]'], ['14', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[kintegrityd/0]'], ['15', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[kblockd/0]'], ['16', '?', 'S', '0:00', '[kacpid]'],
= Links =
= Pictures / Graphics =
[ Hostname Bind Failure](GOES WITH CHALLENGES)<br/>[ Minion Config Updated for ARM](GOES WITH APPROACH SECTION)<!-- Link to any pictures or graphics that should appear on the handout -br/>[ Command Execution](GOES WITH RESULTS SECTION)<br/>