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DPS905 Kaitlyn ParticleEffects

9 bytes added, 18:37, 11 April 2011
no edit summary
# 1) Add the following files to your project:
* [ Particle.cpp]
# 2) Append onto the bottom of your existing Effects.fx file the contents of the following file:
* [ Effects.fx]
# 3) Modify iObject.h:
* Add to Class iObject...
# 4) Modify Object.h
* Add to Class Object...
# 5) Modify Display.cpp
* Inside of method: bool Display::setup(void* hwnd)
# 6) Modify Configuration.h
* Adding into the existing typedef enum Category (line 375) a new type of:
# 7) Modify Object.cpp
* Updating the Object::Object(category, colour, iGraphic*, int, int) method..
# 8) Modify DeviceTexture.cpp
* Inside the method ( void DeviceTexture::create(iScene* scene, const Matrix& view, const Matrix& projection, const Vector& viewpoint) )
# 9) Modify Design.cpp
* Modify void Design::draw()