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Computer Lab Manual

1,127 bytes added, 08:33, 30 March 2011
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This section deals with the technical information of this computer lab both in terms of hardware, operating system, and applications.
'''Computer Lab Layout'''
The Westminster Computer lab, is a "thin client" lab where disk-less workstations are connected to a main server.
Instead of the traditional thin client approach, this lab uses the "fat client" topology where although the computer accounts are contained and accessed by the server, applications are run in the internal memory (RAM) of the workstation computers.
The computer server and switch-boxes are located in the cupboard. The main server acts as a router that connects to the Internet, and also connects to a switch, which in turn, connects to all of the workstations.
Here is a list of the workstations that are connected to the lab server:
* Workstations 1 - 7 (in the computer lab)
* Youth Room (installation date: TBA)Computer Lab Layout
In the room are other peripheral devices:
* Data Display Unit (projector). This is connected to the main server to allow teacher control of the classroom workstations and presentations
* Printer / Scanner. This combination unit is used to provide hardcopy printouts and scan documents and images.
* Connection to office photocopier for printing