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Package the Weave Server

1,194 bytes removed, 11:54, 27 March 2011
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= Package the Weave Server =
<!-- Replace "Project Name" with the actual name of the project in the line above. -->
== Project Description ==
== Project Plan ==
Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...)Mechanism:* [https://bugzilla.mozillaredhat.orgcom/ show_bug.cgi?id=690360 BugzillaID: 690360]* GIT
Key contactContacts:* [ Mike Hoye (mhoye)]<!-- Add links to any mentors or key participants in the community* [http://zenit. --> Chris Tyler]
Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:
<!-- Note: each contributor is expected to have unique goals. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' work. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. -->* 0.1 - Will begin with setting up a build-from-source Documentation for the manual installation of Weave server for necessary understanding/testing. To be followed by research into Apache/MySQL configuration and streamlining. End result for 0.1 should be draft RPMs including spec/srpm files for build and testing* 0.2 - Packages to be Initial package release tested with Koji mock and koji. Bugzilla request made to ensure support for the necessary architectures. Package begin Fedora package review process should already be underway at this point.* 0.3 - Packages should pass Package passes the Fedora package review process and be entered into the release management system. Documentation should be complete is submitted to koji for inclusion in additionFedora repo.
== Communication ==
=== IRC ===
[irc:// #Sync on Moznet]
=== Mailing Lists ===
=== Blogs ===
<!-- Links to the blogs of people involved, both inside and outside Seneca -->
[ Building Weave (Toby Elliot)] * [ Justin's My Blog] ==== Seneca Particpants ====[ Justin Morgan] ==== Non-Seneca Participants ====<!-- Links to the blogs of any non-Seneca participants in this project -->
==== Planets ====<!-- Links to any planets related to this project -->* [ Building Weave (Toby Elliot)]
== Project News ==
- Initial project page draft. Built with information obtained from Mike Hoye and the project wikis.
<!-- This is where a permanent record of your releases and updates will go. In these you should discuss the status or your work, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc. -->