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978 bytes added, 06:07, 14 April 2011
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{{GAM670/DPS905 Index | 20111}}
= Guardian Downloads === Physics Framework ==; Barebones Packages (The files you need to copy into your working copy, [[Team_Guardian_Physics#Integrating_Framework_Into_Existing_Projects | see here for integration instructions]]), pick one : * [ Physics Simulator and Collision Detector]<br/>* [ Physics Simulator Only]<br/>* [ Collision Detector Only]; Full Reference Implementation Example : * [ Download here] = Integration Guides =* [[Team_Guardian_Physics#Integrating_Framework_Into_Existing_Projects|Physics Framework]]* [[Team_Guardian_Cube_Mapping|Cube Mapping]] = Project Marking Percentage ==
Group work: 25% (25 <= xx <= 50)
== Repository Path ==
new path:
== Trunk Status ==
committed by Hasan
=Physics Framework Guide and Reference = [[Team_Guardian_Physics | A detailed guide and reference for the physics framework is available here.]] = Messages ==
=== UPDATE: Mar. 24, Physics Beta 0.2 Released ===