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Teams Winter 2011/team1/RCP/Define and use JFace

5 bytes added, 11:30, 4 March 2011
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2.2 Specify the id ''cs.ecl.simpleRCP.perspective'', name ''RCP Perspective'' and class ''cs.ecl.rcp.simplercp.Perspective'':<br/>
[[Image: PluginXml2.png | 800px]]<br/>
2.3 Click on the <code>class*</code> link to create a class. The method <code>createInitialLayout()</code> in this class is responsible for creating the new perspective.<br/>
2.4 The perspective is defined but not yet reachable via the application. To activate the switch between perspectives add the following line to the<br/> <code></code> in method preWindowOpen():<br/>
2.5 Run the application. You should be able to select your perspective interactively:<br/>
[[Image: Perspective1.png | 400px]]