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Add Menu to RCP Application

2,496 bytes added, 10:54, 3 March 2011
Add Menu to RCP Application
In this example I'll be adding a menu to an RCP application checked out from [ Simple Sample from RCP Course Repository]
* Start Eclipse and check out the example from our course's SVN repository.
* Run the example and you should get something line like this:[[Image:rcp-menu-1.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* We'll now create a command (Exit) which we will later add to the menu (File) that we have yet to create.* Start by double clicking plugin.xml in the Package window. This will bring the plugin.xml file into the edit window.* Now click on the Extensions tab. You should see this:[[Image:rcp-menu-2.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Click the Add button and select "org.eclipse.ui.commands" and click Finish.[[Image:rcp-menu-3.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Right click on the ui.commands extension you just added and select New -> Command.[[Image:rcp-menu-4.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Enter the id, name and defaultHandler as shown. i.e. id is, name is Exit and defaultHandler is[[Image:rcp-menu-5.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Click on the hyperlink "defaultHandler" to create the class which should extend "org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler". Remove any interfaces. You should have something like this.[[Image:rcp-menu-6.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Click Finish. You should now have this.[[Image:rcp-menu-7.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Modify the class so it now looks like this.[[Image:rcp-menu-8.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Ok, we've created a command, so now we need a menu in which to add it.* Go back to the plugin.xml view and click the Add button. Then select the "org.eclipse.ui.menus" extension and click Finish.[[Image:rcp-menu-9.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Now, right click on the menus extension and select New -> MenuContribution. Then add the location URI as "". You'll get something like this.[[Image:rcp-menu-10.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Right click on menuContribution and select New -> Menu. Add a menu with the label "File" and the id "fileMenu".[[Image:rcp-menu-11.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Right click on File(menu) and select New -> command. Then set the commandid, label and tooltip to "", "Exit" and "Exits the Application".[[Image:rcp-menu-12.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Save your work and then go back to the Overview tab and click on "Launch an Eclipse application". You should get this.[[Image:rcp-menu-13.png|left|thumb]]<br style="clear:left;" />* Congratulations. You're Done!