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Default orderBy research 2/17/2011

1 byte added, 13:30, 18 February 2011
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While debugging some unit test tests (testRead, testUpdate) I have noticed that the error message is the following:"Doesn't match the serialized representation".<br/>
I checked the data and in xml file and the one I get when running the composed query in PostgreSQL. They are identical.<br/>
I run ran the same tests in MySQL: I've got the same data as in PostgreSQL. The only difference is the order of rows, so I figured it has something to do with default ordering in PostgreSQL:<br/>
The null value sorts higher than any other value. In other words, with '''ascending''' sort order, '''null values''' <br/> sort at the '''end''', and with descending sort order, null values sort at the beginning.<br/> If not specified, '''<tt>ASC</tt>''' is assumed by '''default'''.<br/>
And in the MySQL:<br/>